Tanisha Bakshi - "A Mother's Love Is Universal. And For Me, Her Love Is My Biggest Inspiration!" (Artist)


Tanisha Bakshi

My work process includes detailed research and documentation on a couple of families from that village. On the basis of this research, I strive to depict my learning of their life on a two dimensional surface representing their struggle, vision, happiness and hardships which sums up to be the "Essence of Life"

1. Tell us about your background and journey

Practicing art, especially painting has been an integral part of my life as long as I recall. I have won several prizes during my school days for my fine art skills. I was very clear to pursue  my career in art.

Everyone around me thought that I would pursue commerce because I was a topper with 97 percent in my high school but I decided to paint my own rainbow road to art. 

2. What led you to choose this as your profession?

I have explored myriad colors of art on my own until I took up formal training in 2014 and now I'm a full time artist who operates from my studio in Gurgaon for the past seven years. 

3. Where does your inspiration lie?

My creations primarily focus on the most beautiful of all emotions which is the mother's love. Captured in its many forms, a mother's love is universal and for me it is the biggest inspiration and an unparalleled driving force.

Currently I'm working on a slum community in Choma village, Gurgaon. My work process includes detailed research and documentation on a couple of families from that village. 

On the basis of this research, I strive to depict my learning of their life on a two dimensional surface representing their struggle, vision, happiness and hardships which sums up to be the "Essence of Life"

4. How well did your art get popular?

My experiments using the saree and other readymade materials was highly appreciated by both critics and media in my first group exhibition itself and I went on to create huge artworks in the same language for which I won several laurels. I have created many series, each with a unique style of my own in terms of both canvas and artworks.

My recent collection in charcoal and oil, at the 2020 World Art Dubai received exceptional reviews, in which I used materials that are used by a mother in her journey throughout motherhood which includes painting done on a mother's shawl and was hung like a scroll during my exhibition.

5. Apart from art, what are your other interests?

The passion of working on inequality and social issues led me to establish Annsagar Foundation in Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. This was started in 2016 and has been consistent in its efforts ever since, supporting more than 12 nearby areas. Through out the pandemic lockdown and even today, more than 2500+ food boxes are distributed everyday.

6. What has been your greatest achievement?

It was a great achievement when I received my first gold award in 2017 for my art work. But my greatest achievement was when my mother made it more special by receiving the award on my behalf.

7.What piece of advice would you like to the aspiring artists and followers?

 My advice to all the artists would be paint whatever touches their heart. I always feel that when emotions are mixed with paint on the canvas, beautiful paintings is always the result. The more connection you feel to your painting, the more people are drawn to it, too. 

One must always paint from one's heart, paint something that means something to them, then only can one bring out the complexities of the real world to life on something as simple as a canvas.

Tanisha Bakshi

Tanisha Bakshi

Instagram id - @tanishabakshi_art


Website -  Tanisha Bakshi
               Annsagar Foundation

Interviewed by - Ananie Borgia

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