Himani Shah - I Used To Be a Channel V VJ Back in the Day (Lifestyle Blogger)

Himani Shah

For me, as a consumer, I love an honest review. As a blogger, I try to give reviews as honestly as possible.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I used to be a Channel V VJ back in the day but that feels like a lifetime ago. Been busy bringing up my kids past 10 years. 

2. What led you to start your page on Instagram and what is it about?

Instagram happened as any other social media platform initially just a page with friends following friends till everyone started telling me to blog. Which I refused to for the longest time but gave in eventually with recommendations I would post for my friends. Then my page became public from Pvt and the rest, as they say, is history.

3. How would you distinguish the term blogger from an influencer?

In today’s time, there are very few bloggers with everyone’s attention span being less than 5 seconds. Instagram is a miniblog whereas an influencer can be anyone. Doesn’t have to be someone posing in pretty pictures. 

It can be a writer a famous person or a common person, anyone making a difference in consumer behaviour, anyone making u think differently from what you know.

4. Is it financially sustainable to be an influencer today?

Depends entirely on the person. Some people look at this as a means to an income. I do it for fun, of course, the monetary part is an added bonus.

5. What do you think influences consumer behaviour?

For me, as a consumer, I love an honest review. As a blogger, I try to give reviews as honestly as possible. Not everything in the market can be the best. When 15 bloggers are raving about the same product every few days it’s pretty evident it’s a promotional thing. 

I would rather buy something someone has actually used and tells me about it. Consumers are smarter than that today and more savvy. It can’t be just pretty girls posing with pretty products now more than ever honesty is valued.

6. What is your idea of success or your mantra in life?

My mantra is definitely don’t take yourself so seriously. Don’t be perfect all the time (no one is) it’s the real that people like. Flaws et all, bad hair days to cranky posts keep it real.

7. How can someone become a successful social media influencer?

I genuinely can’t answer that. I still don’t know why I have the following I do. It’s something I started as fun and now it’s a part-time profession.

8. Which is your favourite book and why?

I’m an absolute bookworm so asking me to choose is just not fair. Few I did love were (Wuthering Heights)for its sad love story. (Black Edge)for blowing my mind. (100 Years of Solitude)for the insane brain, the author possesses. (When Breath Becomes Air) such a heart-wrenching book. (This Is Going To Hurt) and (China Rich Girlfriend) cause they made me laugh so much. (The Palace of Illusions) for giving us a different perspective on mythology.

- Himani Shah (Lifestyle Blogger)

Himani Shah

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/opinionatedbrunette/

Interviewed By Khushi Garg

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