Is It Fair to Adopt Western Culture Blindly?

Culture is the moral personality of individuals, society, sports, country and way of life. The way of life defines what our personality is, how we act, how we live and how we proceed in our lives. 

Culture and tradition can be encompassed of the accompanying- festival of celebrations and clothing, nourishments, expressions, customary sciences, language, and way of life. 

India has been known for its immeasurability in culture. Our way of life is old and goes back to very nearly millennia. We people are particularly clung to the way of life and custom of our ancestors and at the same time embracing new patterns and culture to go neck-to-neck with the current world. 

Indian Culture, which is one of the most traditional and most impressive societies on the planet with changed languages, customs, beliefs, thoughts, restrictions, codes, guidelines, masterpieces, engineering, ceremonies, services and so forth. 

Westernization is defined as a blend of the traditions, qualities and culture of the west into our way of life. Western culture impacted our conventions, customs, and way of life. 

The substantial change of way of life and goal for everyday comforts of individuals not changed uniquely in India yet the trade of world perspectives and thoughts has come about significant change internationally. 

However, from the last 20-30 odd many years it has been seen that huge numbers of the individuals especially the young people are adopting and living the Western culture due to -

1. Impression and Fashion -

People live, procure, win for simple strength as well as to live and contend in the general public and carry successions to their lives. Receiving western culture integrates adopting the western way of life, closets, music and recreation alternatives. Also, they are in the design and everybody needs to be in vogue. 

2. Worldwide Availability -

Most of the countries are receiving western culture and the Globe has contracted because of this mixture of culture and thus we likewise need to embrace the equivalent to coordinate strides with the individuals of the world and interface with all universally. 

3. Cross-culture Advancement - 

Many individuals think that how we can improve and progress our way of life. Which means if we receive their way of life they may get fascinated and affected by that and embrace our way of life to show regard and sovereignty accordingly advancing diverse life. 

4. Judgment - 

The individuals from west ordinarily don't pass judgment on one's life based on their understandings which might be impacted reason for caste/ sex/ race, which causes the general public to make power over the groups which are for the most part the bi-result of this segregation. 

Despite what might be expected, if we look at its weaknesses we may go under the impression of not embracing the western culture because of the accompanying reasons -

1. Drug Fixation - 

According to the 2015 world medication report, the size of drug-dependent adolescents from western nations was discovered driving with an extraordinary edge or under the influence. 

This is a substantial issue as of now. However, to speak to oneself in the present-day period youngsters are extremely pulled in toward the medication. 

2. Guardianship - 

There is some absence of control in western culture in my viewpoint. As it might western guardians feel that their children achieve enough to end their life intentions or it could be kids' ignorance of their parents' job on their life choice.

However, an improved direction is significant in somebody's better future. Furthermore, some of the time this scarcity of guardianship cause teenagers to be caught in a state of depression and frustration. 

3. Family Significance - 

In western culture, there is a family unit which parts when they need to find themselves leaving their guardians or parents alone. They are enjoying themselves and don't know the importance of parents, guardians, grandparents and what a joint family has. They become childish, shallow, and egotistical. 

Indian and western both are various sorts of culture speaking to their custom and qualities. Indian Culture implies to the traditions, conventions, religions and set of decisions that are continued in India, while the Western Culture most normally alludes to the culture that is proceeded in America and Europe. 

However, today both the way of life will be blended particularly in India. India got crucial change under westernization however failing to remember our traditional qualities is likewise a matter of concern. 

So, it’s not fair to go for western culture blindly but it’s a choice of the individual that how they want their life and what culture they want to opt for. 

Written by - Urvashi

Edited by - Ivanova


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