If you are starting without funds, your time is your greatest resource. Use your time to get funds.
1. Tell us more about your company and your journey.
I always wanted to be a businesswoman, but since I grew up in a village & conservative family so it was difficult to start my own business. But I tried multiple things before starting my business, I worked for a year in IIFL Securities Ltd, I tried acting & modelling featured in Zee music album Bhul Hum Jayenge.
Then after my MBA & job, my family pressurised me to get married. Luckily I got a supportive husband, so I started my own business - Taxationhelp. In
2. How did you come up with this idea and go about executing it?
2. How did you come up with this idea and go about executing it?
I saw a lot of people wanting to start a business but they had no clue how to start so I help people to start their business from scratch to scaling up. I provide business planning, consultation & registration, expansion services.
3. What has been your biggest challenge that you faced and how did you overcome that?
First was convincing family to let their daughter & daughter in law start a business.
Second, setting up a business of services about which not everyone is aware of, that taking business planning services is also a step before setting up a business
4. What do you think are the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur?
You need to be a great communicator & consistent with your work with a never giving up attitude.
5. What are some of the most important factors for running a successful business?
Key to a successful business is hiring a great team which is better than you. Make them work for you.
6. What are your tips for the first time and aspiring entrepreneurs?
Research & plan your business before starting. After starting focus on marketing & hiring a great team.
7. How can one overcome a hurdle of lack of funds when starting up?
I started with zero investment, I struggled a lot to get my first client, if I had funds I could run ads and get my first client faster. But without funds also I got my first client because I employed myself for my business. I worked 9am -5 pm finding a client.
If you are starting without funds, your time is your greatest resource. Use your time to get funds. Use Linkedin for networking & find a co-founder or partner. You must have a great product/service, if not then keep working on your product to make it great. If you are confident about your product then funds will come along. Network more & you will get funds.
There are multiple ways to raise funds if you have a great product, lack of funds will not be a hurdle for you.
- Neha Nagar (CEO & Founder)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taxationhelp.in/
Website: https://taxationhelp.in/
Interviewed By Khushi Garg