Rebecca Forsback - I'm Currently Living and Study in Los Angeles. It's a Dream City but Also You Have to Be a Kind of Person to Fit in Her (Social Media Influencer)

Rebecca Forsback

I have always have more followers than my friends since I love to update and create content. When I was in the show Paradise hotel people start to follow me, and I worked hard to keep the numbers up and work hard to get  company to see me. And then a lot of people start to reach out. 

1. Tell us about your upbringing, background and journey.

I start from the bottom, like I build everything on Social Media up on my self. I'm coming from a small town in North of Sweden, but moved out when I was 18 years old and have always work hard for where I want to end up. 

2. When and how did you work in the show 'Paradise Hotel'?

In 2017, this was my first time on TV and I have always wanted to try it out. It was an amazing journey but also hard since you get a lot of pressure after a show like this. But it end up well and I got a thousands of people who wanted to follow my life on Instagram after that. Since I did not continue exactly in the same bubble, I have lost a lot of followers but I'm glad for the ones I have left and I'm not done yet. 

3. What are you currently doing?

I'm currently living and study in Los Angeles. It's a dream city but also you have to be a kind of person to fit in her. It's a hard climate and I'm happy I'm a little bit older now, so I know what I want and what I don't want . 

It's hard because you are not allowed to work while you are a student in the USA, but my goal is to have the opportunity to work in the future as well. 
I have my own company in Sweden where I do marketing online. 

4. How did you build a following on Instagram? 

I have always have more followers than my friends since I love to update and create content. When I was in the show Paradise hotel people start to follow me, and I worked hard to keep the numbers up and work hard to get  company to see me. And then a lot of people start to reach out. 

5. What are your future plans?

My dream life is, that I can work online and be able to create my days. And with my studies, I can work for a big company and help other people forward. But still have my own. In the future I also want to do my own clothing line, with a limited edition with work out clothes. 

6. Which is your favorite book and why?

I love to read about books where I learn things, like autobiography or books about mental health. Now I reading the book "Do the Work" 

Rebecca Forsback

Rebecca Forsback

Instagram id : @rebeccaforsback

Interviewed by : Ananie Borgia

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