David Ramms - Going Vegan Helped Me to Get Closer to the Most Vulnerable and Oppressed Beings on Our Planet, the Animals (Vegan Content Creator)

David Ramms

People need to know that veganism isn't about vegans, it's about the animals. There are vegans who are bad people, there are vegans who are good people, it doesn't matter. Veganism isn't about a cult, a diet, or a community, it's about taking a stance against animal abuse in all its forms and refusing to contribute to it. 

1. Tell us about your background and journey?

I have always had compassion and respect for other animals, from a young age, I was taught that we shouldn't do to others what we wouldn't want to be done to ourselves, and this included the animals. 

We share the world with them, they aren't here for us just the same as women aren't here for men, or certain ethnic groups aren't here for others. I was raised with these strong morals and I am very grateful to have been raised this way.

2. How and when did you decide to go vegan?

I went vegan when I was 18 years old. I had a sudden realisation that cow's milk was for cows, and as an adult I shouldn't even be drinking breastmilk, especially not breastmilk from another animal. Why was I breastfeeding at the age of 18? It's insane. I then turned my attention to eggs and realised I was eating part of a chicken's menstrual cycle (a part of a chicken's period) and again, I had a realisation; "what the hell am I doing". 

After this, I looked into the dairy, egg and other industries that use animals, and found that not only is it completely unnecessary, and frankly, weird, to use and consume animals, it's also extremely manipulative and abusive towards the animals. Dairy cows are raped by dairy farmers who shove their hands inside the cow's anus to locate their cervix, so they can then insert a needle into her vagina and inject bull semen to impregnate her. 

They get the semen by raping the bull, they masturbate him. Cows don't produce milk unless they have a calf, and the farmers use this method as it's the most "efficient". Once all of this is over, she has her calf and the farmer separates the mother from her calf after a short period of time, because the calf wants the milk, but the farmer wants to sell the milk, so they "have to be separated". 

The cows whine and scream for their calves for days, just as a human mother would if she were separated from her newborn baby. Here's a video clip of a dairy farmer admitting to this and getting emotional about it. And when the cow is no longer of use to the farmer, she is no longer profitable, she is sent to have her throat slit in a slaughterhouse.

This manipulation of the bodies of defenceless animals continues throughout every other industry that uses them; the egg, meat, leather, honey, industries. Animals are slaves to humans, they are abused, tortured, forced into a life of slavery and killed for human taste pleasure and convenience. Most people in the West know what The Holocaust was, the Jewish Holocaust that took place in Germany during World War 2 where Jewish people were forced into death camps and killed in the millions with gas chambers. 

Today, right now in 2021, animals are still being forced into death camps and gas chambers to be killed, actually the systems that the Nazis used to kill Jewish people were inspired by animal agriculture, they copied many of the systems used to mass slaughter animals and applied it to Jewish people. The Jewish Holocaust ended, but the animal holocaust continued, and still continues today. 

And remember, this is for no necessary reason. Humans can live perfectly healthily and get all our nutrition from plant-based products. Nuts, seeds, legumes, tofu, seitan, tempeh for protein, hundreds of different fruits and vegetables for fats, carbs and nutrients like calcium, and B12 which is difficult to get naturally due to modern food production methods can be taken through plant-based supplements (note that animal products contain B12 because the animals are fed B12 supplements, so take the supplement directly rather than filtering it through an animal who is enslaved, abuse and killed).

3. What is one thing you wish people know about being vegan?

People need to know that veganism isn't about vegans, it's about the animals. There are vegans who are bad people, there are vegans who are good people, it doesn't matter. Veganism isn't about a cult, a diet, or a community, it's about taking a stance against animal abuse in all its forms and refusing to contribute to it. 

It doesn't matter who you are, black, white, asian, native, gay, straight, bi, male, female, neither, whatever, if you are using and consuming animal products, you are funding the slavery, rape, abuse and killing of animals. You can do something about it, you can start by going vegan and stopping paying for this to happen.

4. How has being a vegan changed your life?

Going vegan helped me to get closer to the most vulnerable and oppressed beings on our planet, the animals. It helped me understand their lives and the horrors they go through, and it pushed me to do something about it.

5. How is being a vegan different from being a vegetarian?

Vegetarianism is a diet, and vegetarians are still paying for animal abuse. Veganism includes a dietary change, but it is far more than a diet. Vegans make every effort to avoid animal abuse in all its forms, including but not limited to food, clothing and entertainment.

6. Who inspires you the most and why?

Those who aren't afraid of doing what is right no matter the consequences inspire me, those who will stand up against their family, friends, and entire social circle because they have learned the truth about what is going on with the animals, and they won't stay silent. These are the most inspirational people out there, the most inspirational vegans.

7. What message would you give to someone who is considering altering their diet to a vegan?

If you are considering going vegan, stop. Stop considering it, and do it already. Every day you spend thinking about it is a day that animals are suffering and dying for YOU. You are funding their hell on Earth, and you can stop doing that right now. This link will give you access to a free vegan starter kit with all the information you'd ever need to go vegan. Sign up to that and start your vegan life today.

8. Which is your favorite book and why?

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, it's an incredible book that looks at the history of humans and how we have impacted the world both for good and for bad. I highly recommend it.

David Ramms

David Ramms


Interviewed By - Serene Ingle

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