Different Gestures of Dog and What They Mean


    Dogs are considered as a man’s best friend apart from books of course. These furry creatures can make you laugh instantly, force you to play fetch with them, can ruin your things, and make you fell in love with them

I won’t be wrong if I say that dogs are the world’s most expressive creatures. They are filled with emotions and gestures and each gesture has its own meaning. So, we will be talking about a dog’s different gestures so that you can finally get to know what your dog actually wants.

1. Head Turn: If your dog is looking at an object, say his food bowl and looks at you with those pretty eyes, it surely means that its time to fill his large belly.

2. Licking: If the dog is licking you on the face or at any other part, it means that he wants scratches.

3. Rolling Over: Now the difference between rolling over and licking is that in rolling over, your dog is most probably demanding belly rubs.

4. Hind Leg Stand: Just imagine you see your dog, and he starts standing on his hind legs and offering you to hold his hands, it basically means that are hungry or just want your attention. So, without wasting any time, go and play with them.

5. Crawl Under: When your dog suddenly comes to you and starts crawling in between your blanket and make those cute puppies' eyes, don’t fall for that trap, they just need their favorite toy.

6. Nose: When they use their nose to touch you or any object, it means that they are ticklish and need to be scratched.

7. Biting the Arm: When they start biting your arm and make those big eyes, it means they are ordering you to play with them, as simple as that.

8. Unrest and shouting: When your dog doesn’t sit at one place, tail wagging badly and shouting, barking, it is pretty explanatory that they are angry.

9. Soft Ears, Blinky Eyes: No need to worry when your dog shows these signs, which means that they are highly relaxed.

10. Greeting by Stretching: When they try to jump over you and see you with those cute big eyes, it means that they love you and want you to pet them.

11. Attentive, Focused: This reaction comes when they are playing fetch with you and you are about to throw a ball and the whole of their focus and attention are on that ball.

12. Head Tilt: When they look at you or at someone by tilting their head on one side, it means that they are new to the situation and are curious to know what is going on.

13. Whale Eye: When they are laying on the ground and look at you with the whale, side-eyes, it means that they want to be left alone and need space.

14. Nose Lick: When they lick their own nose, it means that they are stressed about a situation.

15. Alerted Nose and Worry Face: When they have focused eyes, nose alerted and smell, it means that they are anxious or something is bothering them.

    Well, these were some of the gestures that every dog owner must know so that they can communicate with their more properly and can finally figure out what they really want. 

Written and Edited By - Anamika Malik

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