Paul Ogola - I Gave up Auditions and That Is Where Netflix’s Original Series “Sense 8” Found Me (Actor)

I thought NHL was my big break, my expectations simmered and sadness glowed in me for a period of 2years. Nothing came through within that period except a movie by The Nest Collectives, ‘Stories of our lives, which was banned in Kenya, but won international awards, including a nomination at the 2015 AMAA. 

I gave up going for auditions and expecting call-backs, became a full-time video editor and that is where Netflix’s original series “Sense 8” found me. After booking S8, my boss fired me and that is how I came back to my love, to be an actor

Tell us about your background and journey.

It was a process, originated during my primary school days 2000-2003, in form of traditional/folk dance. We performed traditional dances at the festivals and to win in these festivals, your presentation had to be interesting, so in our pieces at some point during the climax, selected dancers would come out of the rest and perform a very vigorous and exaggerated dance, at this point, it’s all about appealing to the adjudicators for more points! I was among the selected dancers! We did great! 

By the time I was in my 8th grade, our drama team was honoured, so I carried that morale to my high school days. However, my first acting experience was in 2001 at a church in Siaya. As a Sunday school leader, we designed a skit about Easter and performed it to some visitors from America. I remember how special we were treated after that performance. That is when I started developing an interest in something I couldn’t comprehend and specialize in. 

It is at the high school that I got to participate fully as an actor, my first day of enrolment, that very night, I attended a rehearsal session and immediately locked my heart and mind into learning. I never got to play till my 3rd year in Highschool. Played a very small role with no lines but still got mad when we never won. 

So, my high school last year was very special because we were the big boys now! We got a script, ‘Alcatraz’ written by a very special group in Nairobi called Galaxy Players. With this script, we won many trophies and certificates, represented our District at the Provincial level, missed the national competition by a few points at number four, the top 3 schools proceeded to the nationals. 

To us, we made a statement so we never lost! Personally, my next step was set, to join the group that wrote the script.

In December 2007, I found Galaxy Players, based in ACK St. Philips, Jericho, joined and that is where I began my quest to acquire professional theatre acting skills. I had 3years of church performances and auditions with no call-backs nor booking, until late 2010 when I booked a role on ‘Nairobi Half Life’. It was my first Film, with all the success and awards it had, I knew that my efforts are coordinated with my dream, dreams being the most important thing in any journey. Remember that. 

I thought NHL was my big break, my expectations simmered and sadness glowed in me for a period of 2years. Nothing came through within that period except a movie by The Nest Collectives, ‘Stories of our lives, which was banned in Kenya, but won international awards, including a nomination at the 2015 AMAA. 

I gave up going for auditions and expecting call-backs, became a full-time video editor and that is where Netflix’s original series “Sense 8” found me. After booking S8, my boss fired me and that is how I came back to my love, to be an actor.

Did you ever think or dream of being an actor?

Yes it became my ultimate dream after discovering, I clearly speak my truth through performance

How can one approach their career and have the confidence and belief to become an actor?

I will not even say much, just speak your truth! There is no way you can go wrong with the element of knowing that this is what you truly love doing and you know it, this is the amplifier to your voice, your truth and essence.

For a complete outsider with inroads, what advice would you like to give?

Our industry's struggle is a little tough, be ready for disappointments, and be ready to meet great and extremely talented colleagues.

What is your mantra of success?

It’s a process, it’s life long, success is not a destination really, that’s why everyone wants it to spread across generation. So keep going and appreciate yourself through this journey of life.

Which is your favourite book and why?

Die Empty by Todd Henry! It teaches me how to always do the important work in every opportunity you create and get.

Find more about him on IMDb

Interviewed by - Subham Biswas

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