Slum Regularization and Rehabilitation: How It Can Be Done


It is indeed a heart wrecking thought about how some of us have it super easy in life, while some of us have an indefinite battle with day-to-day struggles. It often happens, when I pass by a slum or a road-side shack housing a poor family, I can’t help but wonder why the almighty couldn’t have bestowed all of us with all the good things is life?

Well, we can’t do anything about that, but one thing we, as a part of society, the government or the local bodies can do is ensure those living in slums a better life or help rehabilitate them to sanitary places.

Slum Redevelopment Programmes

Very often the Redevelopment Programmes are merely a part of election propaganda and have no practical on-ground implementation.

The redevelopment plans are aimed at breaking down the slums and using the same land to build residential buildings which would be let out for sale after providing accommodation to the people of the existing area’s slums.

Even when these plans materialize, they take years to get through the paperwork and commence construction, leave alone completion. Meanwhile, the slums dwellers have no place to go and not enough resources to rent out a new place, so they go and form slums elsewhere, making the entire plan a futile one.

The redevelopment projects should be strategized in a way that the constructers provide monthly rent to the dwellers for seeking a temporary location. Moreover, after completion of the redevelopment first preference must be given to those who had been occupying the land before construction and houses be allocated to them free of charge.

The developers of these schemes must be mindful of various factors like the slum dwellers demographics, if they are too old to relocate there must be provisions made for the same or if they have very young kids who would be deprived of education if they temporarily moved. Usually, all these things aren’t taken into thoughtful consideration and the plan is just rushed through, but it’s the moral responsibility of the local bodies to always look out for their welfare especially when the dwellers are willingly to cooperate with the constructors by giving up their lands temporarily. 

Slum Rehabilitation:

Rehabilitation and redevelopment are two different things. Rehabilitation deals with uprooting the slum and resettling them in an entirely different place whereas redevelopment is developing the same places from slums into residential areas.

Rehabilitation is primarily for those slums built on or near railway tracks, railway platforms and bus stops. These shacks and slums disrupt the day-to-day running of activities and essential services. It is of utmost significance to remove the slums from there but then a moral responsibility of the government to provide them a new place, failing which they would resuming building homes on public property.

Given the overwhelming population of our nation, relocating these dwellers has become a herculean task. The government must identify key areas for repositioning the tenants but at the same time it shouldn’t feel like they are dumping the occupants where there is lack of sanitation and infrastructure.

The basic provision of amenities should be in place before hand and then the government should further the agenda of regularization.

Slum Regularization:

There are slums that take up a footpath and some that take up big chunks of the city, in such a scenario it is difficult to rehabilitate the entire community or engage in redevelopment. The government then resorts to regularization and part-by-part development of these areas.

The first step should be to ensure sanitation and organize weekly cleanliness drives by engaging the entire slum. Providing clean drinking water for the members and setting up monthly ration shops within the slums would be a step in the right direction. Free schools for the slum dwellers must be developed and they must be encouraged to educate themselves and their families for a better future.

A frequent health camp must be set up to prevent the spread of any diseases and a body of representatives from the local government in collaboration with a few senior slum dwellers must be created to look out for the slum, improvise their standard of living, settle all minor disputes, and spread awareness.

After achieving the basics, the new formed body must be allocated with resources to mend infrastructure, for example a few common functional toilets with flushes should be built, drinking water taps could be installed, along with a few bathing areas.

Slowly but gradually, the focus must shift from infrastructural improvements to societal amends. NGO run schools and skill development classes must be encouraged. The dwellers must be motivated to seek higher education to improve their lifestyles by seeking for better jobs.

In short, the slums must be transformed into colonies that our complete within themselves. These slums have for long been a cause of concern, but it seems possible to regulate these changes which not only will add to the beautification of our cities but also help lift the marginal section of society.


Written By - Tushna Choksey



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