Book Review: 'Silas Marner' by George Eliot - A War Between an Individual and the Society

Picture Credit: Loyal Books

We always perceive that being poor is the ultimate cause of misery in one’s life. A miserable life is the product of the lack of wealth and status in the society but there can be other elements that can cause misery in one’s life.

Silas Marner , a miserly weaver, not because he is really poor or wealth less but he is thrown out of his own society and his own people. He is not losing faith and hopes because is penniless but the fact that he is alienated from his hometown just because of the superstitious nature of the society is what 's killing him inside.

What will be the ultimate end of this weaver? Will he survive or turn his path towards sin? Will he ever get accepted by society or the misery will continue? 

You will have to check out this novel to find the ultimate fate of Silas Marner!


Book’s Name - Silas Marner

Author’s Name - George Eliot

Genre - Domestic Fiction

Language - English

Synopsis - Spoiler Alert!

Set in the nineteenth century in England, the entire story line revolves around the life of a miserly weaver. He becomes a tragic figure when he has to flee from his hometown. He loses all faith in humanity and god. Tragedy strikes him again when the gold he has been hoarding for so many years is stolen by the evil Dunstan Cass.

Silas lives in his lonely existence at Raveloe, the period which is followed by a flashback to the time fifteen years earlier when he was driven from the lantern yard. The time then skips quickly to its original point. The events upto the New Year’s take up the first portion of the book.

Sixteen years are then jumped over, and the results of the early events are seen. Several events occur, like Dunstan’s disappearance, Godfrey’s relationship to Eppie and Eppie’s future. Dunstan is found dead and Silas’ gold is recovered. Silas goes to Lantern Yard a few days later, and still later Eppie is married and they lived happily together.

About the Author

Image source: Wikipedia

George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Anne Evans(1819-1880) who was a famous novelist, poet, journalist, translator of the Victorian era. Her father supported her education because she was considered not attractive physically but was indeed intelligent and due to her father’s considerable prestige, she had access to a library that embarked the foundation of her writing career.

Most of her writing works are a reflection of the real life observation she did and felt during her lifetime. She broke the stereotype of the female writer’s genre being restricted to only light hearted romance and instead wrote more about realism,psychological insights and observation pieces of work.

She became one of the most prominent writer of Victorian era contributing by publishing novel namely, Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Romola (1862–63), Felix Holt, the Radical (1866), Middlemarch (1871–72) and Daniel Deronda (1876).

About the Book

‘Silas Marner’ is one of the most elegant and famous novels of George Eliot which is set up in the nineteenth century in England. The same era when the introduction of machines and heavy industries were bringing about a change in the British society and the old values, ethics and ways of living were being replaced by new ones.

The central character, Silas Marner, lives in the changing society. The book carves the miserable life of Silas Marner trying to highlight the condition of society and the impact of these changes on every aspect of society back in those times.

The book has been adapted to premiere on the big screen during the ‘silent film era’ as Le Noël de Silas Marner in 1912 (France),and as Silas Marner in 1911,1913,1916 and 1926.

It was also adapted in The Professional (1994), A Simple twist of Fate (1994), Dan’I Druce,Blacksmith, Bangaru Papa(1995), Black Snake Moan (2006).

Themes Involved


Some of the main highlighted themes in the novel are interdependence of faith and community, war between the individual and society, and superstitious nature of the society.

The interdependence of faith and community has been depicted by the fact that people of Lantern Yard and Ravaloe were united by religious faith and beliefs, when Silas loses faith he is no more a part of any large community of the society as the church was predominant social organization.

Silas is isolated and is alone in the fight against society. No one has ever shown any sense of integration and association towards him which worsens his feeling about the society and makes him feel alienated in Raveloe.

When Silas treats the ailment of a lady and gets fit, he is considered to be an evil witch doctor and is thrown out of the religious sect to which he belonged. 

Famous Quotes

  1. “When a man turns a blessing from his door, it falls to them to take it in.”

  1. “ There's nothing that kills a man so soon as having nobody to find fault with but himself.”

  1. “Every man's work, pursued steadily, tends to become an end in itself, and so to bridge over the loveless chasms of his life.”

The Bottom line

Silas Marneris an appreciable piece of art written using a rich vocabulary that makes you feel associated with the era in which it is set. The plot is interesting and raises the feeling of pity, and sorrow for the main character. 

If you have ever felt a situation where you felt being left out or sidelined by society then this novel will connect to you the most. If you appreciate reading the historical plots it will be a nice choice for you.

My ratings for the book - 3.5 on 5

You can buy a copy from Amazon right away - Silas Marner

Written By - Palak Chauhan

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