I create and explore because of my home planet and all the creators around me. I find our planet really fascinating. Out of this whole universe, we might be the only planet that has living organisms. I'm always fascinated by the beautiful things that surround me and the magical places that I never knew existed. The way everything works so perfectly makes me want to travel to these places and capture these places and moments before they disappear.
1. Tell us more about your background and journey.
Hi, I'm Richard and I'm a 13-year-old photographer and filmmaker. I was born in 2007 and I live in California. I don't have an exact start to my photography journey, but I do know that ever since I was young, I loved to take photos of my family, and on every trip, I would make a short photo collection.
I continued that passion as a side project, and in July of 2020, I posted a short Tiktok video that went pretty viral. That made me realize that people liked my work and it motivated me to really explore this passion. I think that's when I started to take it more seriously.
2. How and when did you realize your passion for photography?
I realized my passion for photography in August. I was just about to start school and the stress of the eighth grade had made me really nervous. A few days before I started school, I went on a trip with my parents to the darkest area near us.
I set up my camera and for that whole entire night, I just stared at the beautiful milky way shining bright above me. I could see the universe and it just made me so calm and satisfied. That's when I realized, photography was something that I really enjoyed and a passion that could help me cope with my anxiety and stress.
3. Who and what inspires you to keep creating and exploring?
I create and explore because of my home planet and all the creators around me. I find our planet really fascinating. Out of this whole universe, we might be the only planet that has living organisms. I'm always fascinated by the beautiful things that surround me and the magical places that I never knew existed. The way everything works so perfectly makes me want to travel to these places and capture these places and moments before they disappear.
I and many others know that our planet is being destroyed by climate change. And although I can't do much, I want to use my photos to inspire others to help preserve our unique planet. That's what motivates me to create every day. But also, it's the creators around me. Some of my friends like Ben Skaar and Jeffrey Ji are extremely talented photographers who have a similar goal to mine. Their work and encouragement are also what make me want to continue my passion for photography.
4. Among your works, which one is your favorite? Why?
I think my favorite piece I've made is this photo. The photo has so much meaning behind it and it really describes my goals, and the struggles I might face to reach these dreams. This photo means a lot to me because it shows a man staring out into the unknown.
He has just started his journey but sees a huge mountain ahead of him. It’s something we will all go through in life. Nothing will come to us, especially our dreams. We have to earn it and it comes from hard work. But the hardest step is starting it. This person in the picture seems a huge obstacle in front of him and he’s already scared. It’s what we'll all experience.
But in the end, it’s our choice to continue and go through the mountain. In addition, every day we are alive is a chance to accomplish our dreams. But we always choose to do it tomorrow. Never now. I want all of us to just get up from our couch and do what we are meant to do cause you’ll never know when your life will end.
5. How does it feel to have your work recognized by acclaimed photographers like Emmett Sparling and Jacob Riglin at such a young age?
It's a new experience for me. These photographers are some of the best in the game and their passion for photography is incredible. Being recognized by them is definitely something I'm really proud of but I don't think that's the main point. The main point is that the kindness of photographers is just incredible. It really shows how strong our community is.
These photographers take the time out of their day to talk to me and to give me recommendations on how I can improve. This just proves how amazing our community is and how powerful we can be. I'm so thankful to Emmett and Jacob, for communicating with me and always being helpful when I have a question. What I take away from this, is just passing this kindness onto future generations.
6. How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph/series of photographs?
It takes a lot of planning, but before this, I never did much prep. I thought I didn't need to. But after the guidance of the instructors at Creator Circuit, I learned how the pros did it. Now, for each of my photos, I try to tell a story. In order to do this, I always make sure to make a mood board or a shot list. I will always plan out my grid and make a color profile that will fit with my grid.
I also like to scout out the location on google earth and see which perspectives I can get! For example on my Astro-photography Series: Infinite Space, it took me over three months to plan and over 3 weeks to shoot and edit. I had to search the sky for the best shot and figure out a good composition for my photos.
7. What has been your favorite photo location?
My favorite location definitely has to be Joshua Tree. I love this location so much because it's where I fell in love with photography. It's also where I conquered many of my fears. I remember in 2020, just a few days before the world shut down, I went to Joshua Tree with my school. I was able to repel off a giant rock. It was definitely one of the scariest things I had ever done. But in the end, the experience was so memorable. And honestly, there is no other place on Earth that's like it.
8. How would you describe your photography style?
I think my style is very vibrant and colorful. And although sometimes I don't like editing my photos, sometimes I feel like I need to do it to convey the story behind the photo. I also love to punch out the blue and orange tones. These colors are not only my favorite but they are able to contrast each other and it's definitely something I like to experiment with. I'm still trying to find my style, but for now, this is what I like doing.
9. You have a long career ahead of you, but for now: what’s next?
I have so much to learn and or now, it's just about mastering my craft and collaborating with more creators. Although I am young, I realize every day is an opportunity to carry out my dreams. I understand that at any moment I can die, so one of the things I really want to do now is to be able to find creators near me and be able to collaborate with them.
I haven't really worked with people, and I want to learn how they do things and understand their unique perspectives. I want to be able to step into their shoes and understand their goals and how I can apply them to my goals. I hope to do that soon.
Richard Zheng | Photographer
Interviewed By: Farhana Khatoon