Sylvia Michel - I Have Done Many Different Jobs In My Life, And I Discovered My Love For Photography As A Teenager (Winner Of Swiss National Award 2018 & Sony World Photography Award)

Photography always took on a greater importance because with the camera I could capture a moment, so to speak. Sometimes you can hardly believe your own eyes what you see out there. When you capture it, you have like a proof of that beautiful moment.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I have done many different jobs in my life. I discovered photography as a teenager – as well as my love for music. That’s why I worked as a DJ at weddings for years. I increasingly took my camera to these occasions and rediscovered my love for photography.

2. How and when did you realize your passion for photography?

For me, painting, photography, writing poetry – all were a way to process my thoughts and get them out there. It was an outlet. But photography always took on a greater importance because with the camera I could capture a moment, so to speak. Sometimes you can hardly believe your own eyes what you see out there. When you capture it, you have like a proof of that beautiful moment.

3. How did you come up with the idea of having a dog as a tour guide for your videos. 

Well, actually my dog Rasta was meant for the task of taking me away from the computer when I’m editing photos for too long again. But since I find him very beautiful, I have been photographing or filming him in a landscape every now and then. Soon I realized that people like that so I just kept doing it. Rasta shows the world authentically and purely without being forced. He shows that nature gives us so much.

4. What are some tips you would like to share with amateur photographers?

Take pictures every day. Only those who practice every day will get better. Question your images, be critical of yourself if you want to get better. Be inspired by other photographers but don’t become a copy. Show the world with your own eyes! Everyone sees it in a different way!

5. How did Rasta become such a public figure and were there any challenges he faced at any point in his life?

We had a few viral videos which were viewed up to over 50 million x. And one day Instagram approached us and asked if we would like to record some winter impressions for them to show on their channel. After that it went completely off on Rasta’s Instagram channel. He doubled his followers within a week.

6. What are the different opportunities for aspiring photographers?

It’s a tough place to be successful as a photographer today. There are a lot of good photographers out there. There are also many digital ways to improve or even change your photos. There are practically no limits. That’s why it’s first and foremost important to have fun with your own work. And you should share your work on social networks so that it is seen. 20 years ago we didn’t have this possibility. Today it’s almost luxurious.

7.What is your favorite book and why?

I read practically no books. I am outdoors a lot – selectively reading articles that interest me or the latest news.

8. How has Covid –19 influenced you and your lifestyle?

Covid -19 has turned my life around 180 degrees. With the weddings and other events virtually eliminating all sources of income, I focused on my work as a photographer and travel influencer. I expanded my social channels more and today I can generate part of my income from them. It’s great but it takes many hours of work every day. Work that I love to do because I get to do what I love to do the most – be outside with my dog Rasta and capture the moments.

9. What is Rasta’s daily routine like? 

It depends a bit on the weather. We are often out very early to enjoy nature and the world as much as possible for ourselves. Rasta loves to stroll around alone and discover the surroundings. Soon we will go on bigger hikes again. As soon as the snow in the mountains has melted, he is the king of the mountains again.

Sylvia Michel (Winner Of Swiss National Award 2018 & Sony World Photography Award)

- Website: Sylvia Michel

- Interviewed By Kusum Kumari

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