I was born in a small Russian city. The financial and political situation in the country did not offer many opportunities. You had to take care of yourself, from the shelf there was nothing. At the age of four, I took painting lessons. In addition to this, I had other activities: cross-country skiing, trampolining, chess, floristry, and Russian folk dance.
1. Tell us more about your background and journey.
I was born in a small Russian city. The financial and political situation in the country did not offer many opportunities. You had to take care of yourself, from the shelf there was nothing. At the age of four, I took painting lessons. In addition to this, I had other activities: cross-country skiing, trampolining, chess, floristry, and Russian folk dance.
After the age of 7, I started participating in a Russian art school – 5 days a week after regular lessons. Looking back: it was a hard and difficult time, bau I was always happy and did not miss a thing. We had rivers, lakes, swamps, forests. There were few cars, we could play on the streets and spent a lot of time in nature.
All activities took place in and with nature. During this time I have learned to recognize and appreciate the beauty of each tree, each sunrise. I have a very special relationship with trees. These protect us against rain or sun, they change constantly and none is like the other.
The years passed and at the age of twelve, the passion for painting remained and even increased. We moved to Moscow. There I graduated from a secondary art school and a school with a physics and mathematics bias. Then the University of the Textile Industry, specialization as an artist-fashion designer. For 2 years she worked as a shoe designer and then moved to her husband in Belgium
2. When did you decide you wanted to be a painter?
I always knew that I wanted to be an artist. Only directions changed. I wanted to be an architect (but my parents had no money, and there were a lot of people who wanted to get a free place, and I was scared that I would not get the required number of points) or a fashion designer, I even wanted to be a sculptor. As a result, she entered a shoe designer, which she did not regret
3. Is it a financially stable career?
No. It is, first of all, a huge work. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. A lot of effort, money, and time has been invested. In a career, in a name, inexperience. And only at the age of 30, I sold my first painting. It is very rare for an artist to have a stable income.
4. Who is your favorite painter and why?
I really like the paintings by Erin Hanson and Iris Scott. But of course, it is now. indifferent periods, I was inspired by completely different creative people
5. Where do you get inspired to create art?
I am inspired by nature. I really love trees, leaves, birds, plants. I love sunsets and sunrises, reservoirs.
6. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring painters?
I would say in painting there are no boundaries: You draw all the boundaries in your head yourself and do not compare yourself with me, you do not know how difficult my path was, or maybe not compare yourself now with what you were a year ago and strive to create like your idols.
Do not despair! I constantly hear, oh so many artists, such competition! Stop! there are billions of people in the world! I'm sure in general someone needs art, you just need to meet this person, fortunately, there is the Internet. Good luck and success!
Anastasia Trusova - Painter
Interviewed By: Rudraksh Sharma