Prashant Sawant - Besides Shahrukh, I Have Trained Bollywood Stars like Abhishek Bachchan, Varun Dhawan, and Many More (Fitness Trainer From India)

Prashant Sawant

My Fitness Mantra is to work out every day and be consistent and eat moderately. Be healthy and live healthily. If you wait for the perfect condition you will never get things done. Clear your mind of can’t. Being a sportsman, my structured training has taken a big hit in these challenging times but I have kept myself motivated to achieve my ultimate goal.

1. Tell Us More About Yourself and Your Profession.

A celebrity fitness trainer and the founder of Mumbai-based popular gym ‘Body Sculptor’. Body Sculptor studio is among the top fitness studio in India and has an esteemed list of clients, many from Bollywood (including SRK). Besides Shahrukh, I have trained Bollywood stars like Abhishek Bachchan, Varun Dhawan, and many more. I grew up in a Chawl in Dahisar, things like career planning or guidance were concepts alien to me and my two brothers. But today I run my own personal fitness studio and is one of the most popular and successful fitness trainers in the country.

2. What Is Your Fitness Mantra?

My Fitness Mantra is to work out every day and be consistent and eat moderately. Be healthy and live healthily. If you wait for the perfect condition you will never get things done. Clear your mind of can’t. Being a sportsman, my structured training has taken a big hit in these challenging times but I have kept myself motivated to achieve my ultimate goal.

3. What Are Some of the Major Misconceptions About Diets and Exercise?

Skipping meals will help you lose weight. When you skip meals, your body fights back by slowing down your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which you burn calories. When metabolism slows down, it is harder for you to shift weight and changes your system into starvation mode. You will lose weight more efficiently if you eat several small meals a day rather than one or two large ones.

All fat is bad for you. Fat is the principal fuel of the body. Unsaturated fats included in foods like nuts, avocados, and fish are essential fats needed by the body. They also help build hormones and cells. 

Exercise can turn fat into muscles. This is one of the biggest misconceptions about fitness and exercise. Muscle and fat are two different kinds of tissues and cells, and one can never turn into the other. The two have distinct compositions. Muscle tissue has protein, water, and glycogen while fat is consists of bundles of fatty acids. Therefore, fatty acids can't turn into proteins.

If there is no pain in exercise, there is no gain. Exercise should not cause physical agony. Many of you believe that pain during workouts signifies progress. Honestly, this is the farthest from the truth. It is unnecessary to work out to the point of experiencing severe pain. Expect moderate soreness if the body has not been working specific muscles. When exercise becomes painful, it is a sign to cease overexertion, or else you will experience muscle and bone injuries.

The more you sweat, the more you lose body fat. Sweating is dependent on humidity and temperature. In cold countries, you do not sweat profusely, but you still utilize your body fat for energy.

4. How Can One Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

Include fruits and vegetables in your diet Adding fruits and vegetables is a perfect foundation for starting a healthy routine. Vegetables, like leafy greens, and fruits contain plentiful amounts of nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants that help boost your immune system and fight off disease-causing toxins. 

Drink water Water can cleanse toxins from the body, improve brain function, energize muscles, control weight gain, and balance body temperature and fluids. It’s recommended to drink about 8 glasses, or 64 ounces, of water per day.

Manage your mental health When it comes to building a healthy lifestyle, it’s easy to concentrate on the physical aspects of health and ignore the mental upkeep. Some ways you can improve your mental health include:
  • Exercise
  • Socialize with loved ones
  • Join a club
  • Sleep 7-9 hours every night
  • Do something creative
If you continue to feel unhappy or even depressed, consult your physician or talk to a professional about ways you can improve your mental health.

Destress Sometimes it’s beneficial to stop, take a deep breath, and relax. You can help maintain your physical and mental health by decompressing from a long, stressful school or workweek. Try some relaxing activities to help you relax. Take advantage of meditation, listening to music, reading, watching a comedy, or exercising. These activities can help you unwind and they cause feelings of happiness and calm.

The exercising body is truly the temple of the soul, and you don’t want that temple to fall apart! Exercise is a great way to stimulate your health and studies have shown that physical activity helps improve longevity and overall health. Try to exercise up to three times a week. Pick a convenient time schedule out time. You could exercise for 30 minutes in the morning to get energized for your day.

5. How Can One Build a Successful Career in Your Field?

A career in personal training is an excellent career choice for those who have a passion for fitness and have the willingness to help others in achieving their goals. However, success in this profession takes more than passion. Apart from getting certified and keeping yourself covered with personal training, you’ll need to find ways to stand out in this highly competitive profession to attract prospective clients. And to help those who aspire to succeed in this endeavor.

6. What Is One Piece of Advice You Would Like to Give Someone Who Wishes to Lose Weight?

Your motivation for weight loss will suffer if you are not committed. Making a public commitment will help hold you accountable and enhance motivation. Be honest with yourself, how many times have you eaten something without actually thinking about what you were feeding yourself? 

Mindfulness plays an important role in our everyday decisions, especially the decisions regarding our health. The weight loss journey is a lifestyle transformation journey. This doesn’t happen within a few days. Habits take time to break. Don’t lose hope! You may have a pair of jeans that you want to get back into. Keep them! Let them motivate you.

7. How Do Diets and Exercise Contribute to Overall Well-Being and Happiness?

A healthy diet and exercise are great for your body but don't neglect your emotional health and well-being. Reducing stress, getting enough sleep, and having fun are all ways to find happiness. Exercise It protects physical and emotional health, relieves stress, and makes you feel good.

Prashant Sawant

Prashant Sawant

Prashant Sawant - Fitness Trainer

Interviewed By: Vanshikha Bagga

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