Tung Sheng Chin - An Entrepreneur Must Have the Ability to Leverage Having Open-mindedness Towards Learning & Failure (Entrepreneur From Singapore)

Tung Sheng Chin

I am inspired by successful business owners and I felt I am meant to do greater things. So I went to learn investment through reading books and company reports. Had to save up and make investments slowly to create a passive income. 

1. Tell us more about your company and your journey.

I am currently helping a China Based company on handling private investment funds as well as joining one of my friend’s Local asset management companies to raise funds. I started up investing in stocks 7 years back along the way I went into joining companies under the management team. During covid, I am being more focused on helping companies with their investments. 

2. How did you come up with this idea and go about executing it?

Since young, I am inspired by successful business owners and I felt I am meant to do greater things. So I went to learn investment through reading books and company reports. Had to save up and make investments slowly to create a passive income. 

3. What has been your biggest challenge that you faced and how did you overcome that?

I feel covid has been quite a challenge to everyone. Been traveling around for business before covid as mentioned previously I am now focused on helping my current company on their investment portfolio. I feel it’s crucial to maintain a sustainable and good cash flow to keep the current trade of business going. 

4. What do you think are the most important qualities of a successful entrepreneur?

I feel to be a successful entrepreneur is to have the ability to leverage having open-mindedness towards learning and even failure. 

5. What are some of the most important factors for running a successful business?

Leadership, continuous quality improvement, strategic and having tactical plans.

6. What are your tips for first-time and aspiring entrepreneurs? How can one overcome a hurdle of lack of funds when starting up?

Believe in yourself because whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Believe that you can succeed, and you’ll find ways through different obstacles. If you don’t, you’ll just find excuses. 

Tung Sheng Chin - Entrepreneur 

Interviewed By: Navya Garg

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