I find it extremely fascinating to look into the past - through myths, symbols, architecture - and understand where it all began. Also, I find the period of the Middle Ages and Renaissance interesting, I guess all this shapes my art in recent times.
1. Tell us about your background and journey.
I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, I studied architecture there. And after getting my Bachelor I moved to Berlin and entered Weissensee Art Academy, which I successfully finished in 2019. Definitely moving to another country has absolutely changed my life and influenced me as an artist.
2. When and how did you decide to pursue art?
I can’t say that I have decided to do it, I think the art has chosen me. And after a couple of attempts to do something else I understood that I can’t stop thinking about art. Entering the Art Academy in Berlin was a commitment in a way and from that moment I knew it was serious.
3. What kind of theme inspires you and why?
At the moment it’s in some way the origin of European nations. I’ve just finished reading Greek mythology, German is next. I find it extremely fascinating to look into the past - through myths, symbols, architecture - and understand where it all began. Also, I find the period of the Middle Ages and Renaissance interesting, I guess all this shapes my art in recent times.
4. What are the challenges of being an artist and how do you overcome them?
Oh, there are so many! Never-ending doubts, fears, crave for appreciation (hidden of course), money issues, the situation in the world. How I learned to overcome them - I just accept everything and let it be, I have to make my art anyway, whether I’m afraid and doubting or not.
5. Which is your favorite art movement and why?
There are way too many, I guess I love them all for different reasons, except postmodernism. But at the moment I love Renaissance art, which I’ve mentioned before, it’s just so powerful in its idealization of a human.
Then I’d like to mention Neoclassicism, its heroic and romantic themes move me quite a lot. From modern movements I’d name Post-Impressionism, just love the freedom of gesture and colors in it.
6. What message would you give to aspiring artists?
Art is a deep matter, don’t stay on the surface.
7. Which is your favorite book and why?
I guess I don’t have any favorite book, but the one that impressed me recently was “12 Rules For Life'' from Jordan Peterson. I loved how the author combined stories from modern life with mythology, religion, and psychology, telling the deep meanings. It’s informative and entertaining, but also very intense at the same time. I enjoyed it.
Viktoria Maliar
Interviewed By - Anshika Maurya