Understand that 100 crores in the bank with tensions and loans and targets, can’t give you much more earthly ‘happiness’ than simple stress-free life where all one’s basic ++ needs are met adequately meaning, a decent car, home in a safe locality, hygienic food, money for leisure travel and children’s education and money for some insurances and savings for retirement.
Tell us about your background, journey, and upbringing.
I was born and brought up in Kolkata and my schooling till Class X is in Kolkata. My parents were separated in 1979. Before that, we lived as a conservative middle-class Marwari joint family with ‘no’ for an answer to all wishes and desires.
I topped my school in the ICSE exam and moved to Delhi for my further education in 1983. My father is a chela of Ramakrishna Paramhansa and I spend every Sunday either at the Dakshineshwar temple or at Belur Math from 1980 to 1983.
My father is also a test cricketer whose fame and recognition are below his capabilities. He did not allow my interest in the sport to progress beyond Under-15 State cricket because in his experience cricket did not love him back the way he loved cricket. Thank God for that (when I see the current breed of cricketers, I would have just been a water boy with my skills )
Generally speaking, I grew up as a simple, trusting human being, who was academically strong, good at cricket, confident, funny, God-fearing, had good morals, could handle rejections and separations well, and knew nothing of lifestyles beyond simple roti, kapda and makaan.
My father is also a test cricketer whose fame and recognition are below his capabilities. He did not allow my interest in the sport to progress beyond Under-15 State cricket because in his experience cricket did not love him back the way he loved cricket. Thank God for that (when I see the current breed of cricketers, I would have just been a water boy with my skills )
Generally speaking, I grew up as a simple, trusting human being, who was academically strong, good at cricket, confident, funny, God-fearing, had good morals, could handle rejections and separations well, and knew nothing of lifestyles beyond simple roti, kapda and makaan.
When and how did you get clarity on what you wanted to do?
I remember a line from the British serial ‘Mind Your Language’ where the Italian is asked what kind of a job he wants and he says ‘Plenty Money Job’
Moving to Modern School, New Delhi from my humble Kolkata background gave me exposure to the lifestyles of the rich and for the first time made me aspirational for material gains.
I remember a line from the British serial ‘Mind Your Language’ where the Italian is asked what kind of a job he wants and he says ‘Plenty Money Job’
Moving to Modern School, New Delhi from my humble Kolkata background gave me exposure to the lifestyles of the rich and for the first time made me aspirational for material gains.
Fortunately, I did not have any greed in me so was not jealous of my classmates who rode cars and took foreign holidays. But I did want to go overseas for a Master's and become financially successful.
But I did not have clarity on ‘what I want to do. I wanted to be a professional but was sucked into the small family business owned and managed by my mother. This business needed more street smartness and less formal education. I could not grow that business successfully and needed a job desperately to make ends meet for my wife and kid.
But I did not have clarity on ‘what I want to do. I wanted to be a professional but was sucked into the small family business owned and managed by my mother. This business needed more street smartness and less formal education. I could not grow that business successfully and needed a job desperately to make ends meet for my wife and kid.
Job changes have been more destiny than planning except for the current job which was a planned move. The only clarity I have today is that my next and hopefully last move will be to work towards the alleviation of poverty in rural India or ‘Bharat’.
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What does your typical workday look like?
Pre Covid, a typical workday/week would be divided into business reviews with sales, sales accounting, legal, and finance on phone/physical visits, meetings based on strategies made at the beginning of the quarter, follow up one execution of plans set in motion, developments on the tech front, competition mapping, communications on email with the value chain, making decisions based on ‘Voice of Customer’ and some ‘one on one bonding with direct reports and key performers below them.
Several global companies have come out and thrown their support behind not needing a formal education. What is your opinion about this?
There is no one formula for success or growth in life. I personally don’t think less of a person if s/he does not have a formal education. In several cases these free minds think on first principles, facing reality, and contribute more than boxed, formally educated, teammates working out of excel sheets.
There is no one formula for success or growth in life. I personally don’t think less of a person if s/he does not have a formal education. In several cases these free minds think on first principles, facing reality, and contribute more than boxed, formally educated, teammates working out of excel sheets.
A significant percentage of successful businessmen in India would be just about graduates. However, education is important. And the best education comes from your bosses and peers at work if the environment is one of sharing and learning from each other.
Now, this again may change because our intuition-based historical data in our subconscious cannot be used for predictive modeling of the future in the world of Big Data, BlockChain, AI, etc.
Now, this again may change because our intuition-based historical data in our subconscious cannot be used for predictive modeling of the future in the world of Big Data, BlockChain, AI, etc.
Meaning alertness, a sharp eye on emerging technologies, ability to visualize the power of the network effect of all these unheard-of technology progress together, will be critical. Not classroom education. Coursera for targeted learnings, definitely a yes.
I do have a good formal education, but I also know what I was doing with my time in Stephens and in Thunderbird.
I do have a good formal education, but I also know what I was doing with my time in Stephens and in Thunderbird.
How do you handle someone who has lied on their resume?
No room for mercy. Misrepresentation for personal gains is not pardonable. Unless the lie was to protect someone, and not for personal gain, my response is termination.
No room for mercy. Misrepresentation for personal gains is not pardonable. Unless the lie was to protect someone, and not for personal gain, my response is termination.
What are some of your typical challenges and how have they evolved over time?
Sucking up to people to climb the corporate ladder in the first 10 years of professional life. Then I became my own boss as a co-founder of a start-up so the problem went away.
Trusting performers and also trusting people who came across as ‘good people, can be misused by these people you trust blindly, to cheat you or the system for personal gains.
Availability of financial and technical resources to build the company vision. I guess this never goes away for most people/companies.
What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs or those eyeing the top job?
For entrepreneurs, I would say identify the social good or community need that will get fulfilled by your idea. Visualize how small or large the opportunity is. Understand your own limitations of time, money, and capability to execute the idea. Plan the project with only 3 things to execute at any point in time. Work for unit value positive EVA not for valuations.
Understand that 100 crores in the bank with tensions and loans and targets, can’t give you much more earthly ‘happiness’ than simple stress-free life where all one’s basic ++ needs are met adequately meaning, a decent car, home in a safe locality, hygienic food, money for leisure travel and children’s education and money for some insurances and savings for retirement.
For entrepreneurs, I would say identify the social good or community need that will get fulfilled by your idea. Visualize how small or large the opportunity is. Understand your own limitations of time, money, and capability to execute the idea. Plan the project with only 3 things to execute at any point in time. Work for unit value positive EVA not for valuations.
Understand that 100 crores in the bank with tensions and loans and targets, can’t give you much more earthly ‘happiness’ than simple stress-free life where all one’s basic ++ needs are met adequately meaning, a decent car, home in a safe locality, hygienic food, money for leisure travel and children’s education and money for some insurances and savings for retirement.
Evaluate your family needs if you have multiplied and look after their needs, rest is just Maya Jaal and a Merry Go Round which does not take you anywhere after years of being in motion. Decide what your needs are basis this and not the basis of what others have.
For people aspiring for the top job, I have no pointers as I am not there myself.
For people aspiring for the top job, I have no pointers as I am not there myself.
Which is your favorite book and why?
“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramhansa Yoganand. This book teaches one to find a balance between the Material and the Spiritual World. This book protects me from all harm and if you want to ‘change’ your life, realize why you were sent to this Earth, what one should do with this intelligent human form and what your KRAs in life should be, read this book. Available on Kindle and all e-commerce websites for less than Rs 200.
“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramhansa Yoganand. This book teaches one to find a balance between the Material and the Spiritual World. This book protects me from all harm and if you want to ‘change’ your life, realize why you were sent to this Earth, what one should do with this intelligent human form and what your KRAs in life should be, read this book. Available on Kindle and all e-commerce websites for less than Rs 200.