Giselle - Enjoy Your Own Journey, and Try to Get the Best Out of Yourself, Not of the Others! (Pole Dancer from Switzerland)


It is hard to say what is important to pole dance because it depends on what the pole dancer is focusing on. I think the main thing that is needed to pole dance, is passion. Without passion, there is no motivation and it is not fun either. If your goal is to become better, then commitment is an important part of the process.


1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I was always active as a kid and I tried many sports and dances during childhood and youth. I loved gymnastics since I was around 5-6 years old, so I was trying tricks and flexibility moves alone in my living room at home. 

My mum saw that I loved this so much, that she finally enrolled me in a gymnastic course when I was around 8 years old but only stayed for around 8 months due to a rude and unmotivating teacher. 

Thereafter, I tried different disciplines, like synchronized swimming, Arabic dances, and hip hop, but always for short periods. After this, I spent many years doing "normal" workouts, until 6 years ago, when I fell in love with pole dance.


2. How and when did you develop an interest in pole dancing? 

Several times, I saw pole dancers on TV and I was mesmerized they looked so beautiful and elegant, like ballerinas, like ice skater dancers. I never imagined I could try this myself, until one day 6 years ago, my husband showed me a pole dance studio flier, where they were offering a free trial class. 

After this, I decided to overcome all my insecurities and fears and give it a try. I had so much fun from the first class, I immediately purchased my home pole to train more often. I was obsessed! 

And 6 years later, I still am. I started sharing my progress on Instagram, and I got to know so many wonderful and supportive people and lots of followers that gave me extra motivation to get better and improve my art.


3. How do you ensure to stay strong and fit enough to perform?

Performing is very demanding. It is not about conquering an impressive trick or combo, it is about perfecting it to the maximum to be able to feel sure and comfortable enough to reproduce in front of an audience. Both performances and competitions required hard work, effort, pain, and commitment. 

Normally it is necessary to increase enormously the amount of weekly training and work on important details such as props, choreo themes, and wardrobe. If done as a hobby, pole dance can be done at a much lighter and relaxed pace, but if the final goal is to perform or compete, the road is way tougher and requires conditioning work, flexibility training, the increase of the number of weekly training and even complement with other disciplines or dances to improve fluidity and grace.

In my case, I never competed in the past, although I did perform a couple of times. Currently, I am only focusing on becoming better, more elegant and making tricks look "easier", as well as sharing my knowledge with my followers through tutorials and online classes.

4. In your opinion what is the most important aspect of pole dancing?

It is hard to say what is important to pole dance because it depends on what the pole dancer is focusing on. I think the main thing that is needed to pole dance, is passion. Without passion, there is no motivation and it is not fun either. If your goal is to become better, then commitment is an important part of the process.

Strength, power, grace, and flexibility are complementary skills that can be trained and improved in time. No one starts their journey being already strong and flexible, unless coming from another discipline, so those are elements that must be worked on and are developed with hard work.


5. What was your biggest challenge when you started pole dancing and how you overcame it?

When I started pole dancing, I was very weak. I was not able to hold positions for long or combine tricks, and I got injured many times forcing me to stop for several months to recover. I was one of the weakest of my class and I was disappointed that I was not getting stronger after more than a year of dancing. 

I was even desperately investigating and asking in different pole dancing forums, as at some point I thought that maybe pole dancing was just not the right sport for me. However, suddenly after coming back from yet another injury, I realized that I was much stronger. 

For some reason, my body benefitted from that recovery time to build up the muscle I needed. This is why I think it is important to be patient and train, strength always comes at the right time.

6. What message would you give to aspiring pole dancers?

Never give up, trust yourself, and don't compare to anybody else. You don't know what other dancers are doing behind the cameras besides of pole, or what they have done in their past. Enjoy your own journey, and try to get the best out of Yourself, not of the others! 

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book is The Client by John Grisham. Besides pole dancing, I am a trained lawyer and I love books that combine interesting stories with a legal background and include a bit of humor into them. 


Interviewed By - Anshika Maurya

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