How the Rise of Welfare States Changed the World


Welfare state means a state in which government play significant role in protecting and promoting the well-being of a citizen. There are three aspects that are associated which are social economic and political. Welfare state is nothing but a mixture of capitalism and democracy.

The welfare state is based upon the principle of equality of opportunity with equal distribution of wealth and the public responsibility for the needy. Welfare state has demonstrated that every individual has a right to decent life where no one should be deprived of the basic needs.

After the experiment with 'laissez- faire ' in the 19th century there was a need for the speed to balance the cal effect conflicting interest which was necessity of time. 

Here the state has to ensure that each citizen has the freedom of choice and can exercise the choice.

Welfare States in Developing Countries:

The rule of liberal welfare state in a developing country was very challenging. A majority of them were colonies and had badly exploited. Poverty, illiteracy, infrastructures were just some of the few problems of a very long list. 

The local people wanted progress and development but on their own terms. The role of the welfare state was to solve every problem tactfully.

The concept of welfare state was applicable to all the innovations but the implementation was the problem. Important step would have been taken to fulfill the idea of welfare state as it was the need of time.

Welfare state was a worldwide phenomenon and various debates where raging among the political scientist as to the exact rule of States whereas the majority of the Western World convinced that the welfare state had to be the reality. However, it could have increased the burden on the states of every nation.

In India the concept of welfare state was incorporated in the Indian Constitution from the article 36 to 56 in the Directive Principles of States. India faced many problems like poverty, malnutrition, high infant mortality rate etc.

After independence the economic condition of India was miserable the Indian states decided to act because there were many social evils like sati pratha, child marriage and many others superstitious things in the society.

With low socio economic development the effort was to establish socio economic democracy in India. The five year plan helps bringing in a balance and development in the country by the government slowly every year. 

Children's education had become priority with the state to provide free and compulsory education till the age of 14 as well as provide mid day meals to the children.

Reservation for the weaker sections of the society particularly the schedule caste and the scheduled tribes which help them to be able to merge into the national mainstream. 

Apart from that various steps have been taken to protect women children and the vulnerable people from exploitation. India is a liberal welfare state because it offers social political and economic rights.

Indonesia is the another country that has decided to become the welfare state by passing a law to provide health Insurance to all 240 million citizens from 1 January 2014. 

It has been planned to pay attention and have insurance for the workers who are accident victims in the same law which would be the burden on the state welfare systems.

China covers health Insurance more than 90% of the citizens in the rural areas where as it introduced the universal health care in 2001 and also the pension for the informal sector which is the most vulnerable for exploitation in May 2011.

While South Korea has a long-term healthcare and pension for the elderly citizens yet the government spending in this area is only the one fifth of its GDP. The welfare states of Asia need to keep in mind of the demographic factors for the population of these regions is aging quickly. 

This means more pension and his facilities should be rolled out. The use income disparity in the countries like Indonesia China and India made the idea of welfare state a challenge.

While opting to become welfare States the developing countries have to keep in mind the financial constraints so that they are not bogged down in the long run. Whereas South courier proof to be a challenge to the dependency theory by getting itself tied to the international economy and also to the United States. 

As it took the help from outside of its borders but at the same time upgraded its industries with the help of debts rather than the foreign investments.

States in Asia have been more active and positive in welfare activity as compared to Africa. The welfare states in Asia believe that state intervention is essential for growth and development.

Welfare State in Latin America:

Welfare States in Latin America are considered in transition. Chile, Argentina, Uruguay initiated the welfare programs also known as emerging welfare state. The government provides pension, health facilities and other social sciences. 

This increase in the social spending by Argentina has been highlighted by the World bank Uruguay often declared as South America's first welfare state because it extended the welfare activity to healthcare, social security and public education the increasing spending on children led to decline in the in infant mortality.

Brazil welcoming the welfare state to eliminate the poverty but there was a constraint of rich and poor. President least silver launch the social programme in the year 2002 which was also known as Bolsa Familia. It uplifted many and inequality was minimized to a great extend.

Welfare State in Africa:

Liberal welfare state has not been able to make giant strides in Africa. Unlike asia-africa is lagging behind because of many factors. 

Lack of initiatives had lead to poor performance by the state that has for the lead to poverty and unemployment lack of technical expertise and also hinders International development.

The young leadership in Africa talks about the growth and expansion of welfare activities. In Africa the state has undertaken and continued to take many housing initiatives health sector and education are public domain as the states believe in social assistance and not in social insurance.

Children’s has been receiving more assistance as there are special facilities for orphans and old age provisions are given drought relief is given while employment and hunger are serious issues in Africa.

Often countries like those in Africa with severe shortage of skilled human resources extended to put great emphasize on Public Sector activity and State-run Enterprises. To the failure of the public concern in countries like Kenya and Tanzania which have led to a trust in privatization.

The government in Zambia is fostering growth and reducing poverty the government has initiated poverty service 2.8 the problem as the population in the rural area is poor. Zambia has given antiretroviral drugs to more than 70% of its population. Carrying on the agenda of social assistance in countries like Ethiopia.

The expenditure made by the countries on economic growth public death and education in France was 31.2 % of the GDP till the year 2018 while UK a pendant 20 point 6% of their GDP on social expenditure. The government expenditure on social security and welfare was 7.3% of GDP in the year 2020 in India.

The motive of welfare state is to promote the social rights to promote the equality among citizens and create opportunity which will help in developing the nation.

In the developing society the problems of unemployment can be remove if welfare States interfere. Development in any state our country is only possible with an effective welfare state which includes social, economic and sustainable growth.

Written by: Rakhi Sharma

Edited by: Gourav Chowdhury

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