How You Can Stay Healthy by Eating Fast Food

Fast foods are quick and delicious, but they are not healthy as they are burdened with unwanted fat, high calories, excess sugar, and salt. 

Consuming fast foods once in a while is fine but if it becomes an everyday meal, there should be serious actions taken against it. If this change does not suit you then there can be ways where even fast foods are made healthier.

This can be done by altering some of the ingredients used for making the dishes and reducing the amount of fat or oil used to make them. Here are some ideas on how to make your favorite dish healthier.

Tofu Burger & Patty Less Burger 

Using Tofu and beans for making the patty, adding vegetables, using multi-grain buns, and adding sauces instead of only cheese can make the burger healthier. Instead of patties, egg, tofu, or panner can be made as 'Bhurji' and stuffed in-between the buns. No doubt it is a nutrient alternative.

Plain but Tasty Sandwich 

Sandwiches are one of the best healthy fast foods because many healthy ingredients can be added to them. Adding healthy vegetables and not toasting the bread with limited cheese can make the sandwich healthy. 

Many people think cheese is bad for their body, but they are high in protein. Cheeses like Mozzarella and blue cheese in limited quantities are good for the body.

Multi-Grain Pizza 

Using multi-grain or wheat crust is the perfect alternative for a healthy option. Cheese is the main ingredient for pizza so, we just can't avoid it but adding them in limited quantities with homemade sauces with vegetables will make it tasty and healthy.

South Indian Food 

Dishes like Biriyani, lemon rice, and tamarind rice are delicious. There are ways to make them healthy also, and it's done by using alternatives for white rice like flattened rice (poha), millets, and brown rice. 

The Parotta is another famous dish, but the over usage of maida flour makes it bad for the health. Replacing wheat flour instead of maida flour is the best option to make it healthier.


Known as one of the most famous dishes, pasta is extremely tasty and favored by many people around the world. 

The obvious reason behind this is the varieties of pasta found and different methods to prepare them. Pasta is used in salads which makes it healthy and tasty. 

Adding extra toppings that are good for the health is an alternative healthy option.

Jowar Tacos 

Jowar flour can be used instead of maida to make the tacos healthy. It can be filled with vegetables and other low carb- food to make it tasty.

Brown Sugar Cakes 

Cakes are one of the delectable desserts at any time. But is there a wholesome option? Wahoo! yes, and it can be done with slight modifications. 

Substitute unsaturated oils like sunflower oil instead of saturated oils, choose wholegrain flour instead of white flour and use brown sugar or jaggery instead of white sugar for taste. 

So, there it is your tasty, healthy, mouth-watering awesome delicacy!

Healthy Milkshakes 

Milkshakes are another tasty dessert. But adding chocolates, taste syrups, sugar, and cream can make it a dish with high calories. 

There are ways to make your milkshakes healthier and it is done by adding soya or almond milk instead of cow's milk, using brown sugar or honey instead of white sugar, switching milk or chocolate sauces with dark chocolate, and adding nuts. 

Dates and blueberry milkshakes do not require sugar because of the sugar content present in them.

Sugar-free Jelly 

Sugar-free jellies are high in gelatin making them good for weight loss. It is almost carb-free and is low in calories. Therefore, these jellies are one of the best healthy desserts.


Do not ever treat your body in a bad way. There are days when we will go off track on our diet, but we can always come back. At the same time do not overeat and feel guilty for the rest of the day. 

Choose your meals wisely which consists of taste and nutrition. Explore new dishes and change the ingredients according to your choice. Always keep in mind that we only have one life so, enjoy and work hard to the maximum limit. 

Written By - Ananthakrishan CN
Edited By - Akash Verma

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