Navi Gill - The Corporate Environment Is Also a Human Environment but the Motivations Are Different (Brand Manager at Ofx From Australia)

Navi Gill

Branding is just a highly evolving concept in recent times, as the vault of social media has unlocked the high attention potential of end-users. Days of billboards are gone because when you are on the road you are looking at your phone more than around you. Social media has been a vital catalyst.

1. Tell us about your upbringing, background & journey.

I grew up in humble beginnings, I was in Chandigarh initially & I lost my father when I was very young. My mother brought me up & did her best for which I’m very grateful to her. I also had my elder sister around who has been a very positive influence in my life. I think having such powerful & supportive women around me has been a blessing. I was always inclined more towards sports particularly soccer which taught me discipline. 

As far as my journey goes, it started from Chandigarh but I made the plunge many years ago, leaving my comfortable life in India, I moved to Australia, worked along with a being student, did several odd jobs, worked passionately, and now living an amazing life as a citizen here. I even had this dream of buying a house in this beautiful country, having bought it in the most expensive city of our country, i.e. Sydney recently just as I turned 30 is a big blessing for me and have received a personal note from the Prime Minister of the country for it was an added blessing.

2. How did you choose this field & what led you to rise to the highest echelons?

It was more a happy accident than a conscious choice, I was working my life away in Chandigarh in a comfortable and by chance, I inquired about an education loan to study in Australia because I was passionate about knowing what was happening on a global scale in sports and education and it snowballed from there.  

A lot of people I came across were limited to being happy driving taxi's which I humbly respect and I also did a lot of odd jobs which made me learn a lot of things about life but my time did come, big companies recognized my talent and from there, it has always been a pursuit of excellence where ever I am and whatever I do. I do it to the best of my ability, this attitude helped me overcome many obstacles. From real estate to banking to logistics I've seen it all.

3. What advice do you have for people who want to rise in a corporate environment?

The corporate environment is also a human environment but the motivations are different, many times there are selfish motives. Which is not the worst thing but you have to try to become part of a team and engage with other people so their individual goals along with yours are met and larger organization goal are also fulfilled.

4. How has branding changed over the years?

Branding is just a highly evolving concept in recent times, as the vault of social media has unlocked the high attention potential of end-users. Days of billboards are gone because when you are on the road you are looking at your phone more than around you. Social media has been a vital catalyst.

5. How should one approach a new partnership for success?

Like any partnerships, it’s easier to trust than to be cynical. Believe in people until they give you a reason not to.

6. What are your future plans?

Develop and nurture entrepreneurial ideas and relationships. And find ways to inspire me and the people around me through my work. I've always had a lot of interest in knowing about startups so I keep myself updated with the world of start-ups.

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Because it’s about risking it all for the treasure of life but much more than that it’s about believing in something so much that the universe conspires to help you achieve it.

Navi Gill

Navi Gill - Brand Manager & Corporate Account Manager at OFX

Interviewed By: Nishad Kinhikar

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