The History of Domesticated Animals and Plants


‘Taming or Domestication’ is the cycle of genetic reorganisation of wild animals & plants into the household rules according to the earnings of people. In its strict understanding, it suggests the level of human domination of wild animals & plants. 

How Domestication Started:

The basic difference between domestic animals & plants from wild ancestors built by humans to meet their particular needs which are adjusted to the circumstances of never-ending care and concern people protect for them.

Taming or Domestication has played a huge role in the advancement of material society. It has occurred in the coming of agriculture as a different form of plants & animals making. 

It is specifically those plants & animals that became objects of agriculture that have undergone enormous changes when correlated to wild ancestors. The first experiment at domestication of animals & plants were made in Old World. 

Domesticated Animals:

Dogs were first domesticated in Central Asia by people who committed to hunting & gathering wild nutritive plants. 

The first successful domestication of plants, also with the goats, cattle, and other animals was in Neolithic Period, nevertheless, that farming occurred as a structure of social activity, and domestication was well underway. 

Even though the majority of ‘taming or domestication is still served, humans were assigned and evolved during the Neolithic Period. 

For example, Rabbit was not tamed or domesticated until the Period of Middle Ages; sugar beet cultivation came in the 19th century, mint agriculture came newly as the 20th century. 

In the 20th century, new animal breeding was also developed to achieve high-quality fur.

Plant Domestication:

The plant's domestication vegetative increasing, such as with tubers, maybe the domestication of seed plants- legumes, cereals and vegetables. 

Some of the plants were domesticated for fibres in their trunks, which were used for creating nets, Hemp is one of the greatest ancient plants that India domesticated, is a multiple purpose plant- its seeds obtain oil, its stalks obtain fibres, and its flower and leaves obtain narcotic hashish.

Some plants were domesticated particularly for the harvest of drugs, such as tobacco, which was first used by American Indian societies in the making of drinks and later for smoking. 

For example, the Opium Poppy plant domesticated as a narcotic. Many kinds of plants were discovered and cultivated for beverages, containing coffee, tea etc. 

Only when humans achieved a high level of culture they begin to domesticate to conform to the needs of the cosmetic for the beautiful and unusual in both plants & animals.

Economic Aspect of Domestication:

The particular economic application of domesticated animals did not seem at once. Dogs may be guarded by human and warned the residents of possible danger. 

Sheep and goats were eaten by humans in the early period but later came to be profitable for selling the products of wool and milk. The horses were similarly used for meat and skin. 

Later the horses played the important role in the war battles. With time horses began to be used as transport. For example, carts were made; the horses were restricted to them, and other riding equipment.

The camel and the donkey were employed to load the transport and as means of transportation.

During the years that have passed since the outset of taming or domestication, the plants & animals that humans assigned as helpful to them have changed. The effects are so tremendous that the difference between the animal’s breed or plant species frequently surpass those unique species under natural circumstances.

Effect of Domestication:

The most significant effect of domestication of animals exists of a quick change in seasonal biology. The wild ancestors of domesticated animals are characterised by stringent seasonal repetition tones. 

Most domesticated culture, on the opposite, can nourish them at nearly any season of the year. No less specific is the differences that occur in plants as an outcome of domestication. Their system and appearance might drastically be altered.

The main hereditary mechanism that brings out the recessive genes from the cover of the wild genotype of the biological culture also gives rise to the first domestication difference and the initial change of wild species into categories that can assist as the purpose for the breed appearance. 

Nature, in the outcome, has stocked various types and forms kept as recessive transformations in every biological culture of wild animals and plants. It is this accumulated transformation that is manipulated by humans inbreeding. 

Such interference named artificial choices plays an important role in the appearance of new animal breeds and plant varieties to suit human desires.

Unnatural choices fluctuate broadly from biological choice, which builds a stabilized natural strategy that confirms the growth of a natural, or so-called wild phenotype.

It is an organism including an income of properties that readapt to it a large species of environmental circumstances and secure the outcome of the species.

Unnatural choices break down specifically these established systems, thereby building gene combinations that could not withstand in nature and giving a range of new chances.

Evolution of Domesticated Animals:

Even though the hereditary and geographic structures of early animal domestication are mistakenly known, a clear environment for understanding the evolutionary paths of the tamed animals is evolving. 

The early levels of taming or domestication show avast evolutionary cycle with several phases along different trajectories that strengthened the repetition and survival of domesticates. Biological selective strengths relaxed, and modern transformations arose and enabled unique traits.

Our knowledge of the hereditary purpose of animal domestication stimulates developments through breeding utilizing new strategies. 

Distinguishing significant circumstances of domestication provides a different aspect in researching the connection between humans and the biological world and specifies the circumstances that drive human cultural development to interact with that directing natural development.


Research provides evidence that personalities exist in both plants & animals. Nevertheless, their occurrence is like differences in environments are stable over time.

This topic of domestication needs a lot of research area in biology and archaeology and the future decade will no doubt develop and possibly provides us with answers to a large set of new questions.

Written by: Kaushal Nassa

Edited by: Gourav Chowdhury

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