Artificial Intelligence: The Future of World


Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to act and perform tasks that are carried out by intelligent beings. In other words, Artificial intelligence helps machines to learn the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. 

The term Artificial intelligence was termed by John McCarthy in the year 1956. He did this so it can be distinguished from the field of cybernetics. 

Allen Newell (CMU), Herbert Simon (CMU), John McCarthy (MIT), Marvin Minsky (MIT), and Arthur Samuel (IBM) were the Attendees and became the leaders and founders of the AI research. 

Artificial Intelligence has been evolving since 1954 when computers started learning checkers strategies. While continuously evolving, we can say that AI is the future. Today with the help of AI, machines can do things that humans can only think about.

Weak AI and Strong AI:

There is a difference in the field of AI. It is divided into Weak AI or Narrow AI and Strong AI.

a) Weak AI which is better called the Narrow AI or Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is the AI that is focused to perform specific tasks. In today’s world, we are surrounded by this AI and it enables some very popular applications like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and other autonomous vehicles like Tesla.

b) Strong AI is a theoretical form of AI where a machine would have an intelligence equal to a Human. It is made up of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). 

General Intelligence means that It would have a consciousness that can solve problems and learn and plan for the future. ASI, the super intelligence would surpass the ability of the normal human brain. Strong AI is theoretical but some people are developing it to be of practical use.

Applications of AI:

1. Disaster response:

Due to the increasing threats of extreme weather events, more and more government authorities and organizations are embracing artificial intelligence to help fight these disasters with algorithms and satellite data.

2. AI can Create New Jobs:

While there are many concerns regarding AI taking up the jobs of many people, it also has a huge amount of potential to create new streams of jobs. It could open entirely new areas of work in maintenance and supporting roles and also new careers which are not yet dreamed of.

3. Cybersecurity:

In modern times cybersecurity faces significant challenges in form of hacking attacks of different types. It causes billions of dollars in business damage. For this Artificial Intelligence has begun to be used by many security companies. 

Ai helps the companies to differentiate between high-risk and low-risk information. Because of that, the teams get the advantage of focusing on major attacks rather than wasting their time on not-so-important information.

4. Transportation:

Driver-assist features like self-parking and cruise control are based on AI. Ai has also been used to optimize traffic which helps in reducing wait times and emissions by almost 25%. 

AI is believed to provide safe, fully automated transport. Shortly, a fully automated mode of transport can be seen for example a self-driving car or a driverless train.

5. Overall Development of Mankind:

AI helps in so many fields of work that in the end, it comes to one thing which is – development of mankind. In the coming years, AI will develop to a level, where a normal person can’t even imagine what can be done with the help of it. 

It will be helpful in automation, weather forecast, diversification of land, and possibly help mankind to know about the secrets of the universe too.

Artificial Intelligence is the future. It will help in the sustainable growth of humans and make their work easy in the most optimum way. It would also be a way of growth in which there is minimum impact on the environment and communities.

Other major problems where AI is applied are Virtual reality, speech recognition, face recognition, image processing, robotics, data mining, hybrid intelligent system, and many more. There is no stop for the application of AI, as the world develops so will the research about AI.

Written by: Bhavish Doshi

Edited by: Gourav Chowdhury

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