Cristina Carmella - Not Everything Is Sunshine & Rainbows On Social Media, There Is A Huge Problem With The Way Body Image Is Portrayed On Social Media (Fitness Model, Pennsylvania)

I eventually grew on Tiktok and Instagram and even started posting youtube videos with fitness related content. Different brands offered to work with me or advertise their products, and I started to realize that people wanted to see more content from me

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I got into fitness when I started attending college. I played quite a few sports in high school, including soccer and golf. I was very active, but I started missing that when I moved away for school. I had a gym in my dorm building and would train every day and spend a lot of time in between classes and homework researching different workouts and what worked best.

I loved the feeling of working hard to achieve something like I got when I played sports and competed, so I put all my time into learning my body and how to workout. It's common to hear people gain weight when they go away for school and I was no different. I became overweight and unhappy, so I began to do something about it to better my health. 

2. How did you become a fitness model and reach this stage?

I didn't get to the stage I'm in now right away. It took many months of trial and error to find out what workouts work best and what diets are the healthiest. I began to work alongside personal trainers and dietitians to help figure out what's best for me and I started to see major results with not only weight loss, but also with strength and confidence. 

I wanted to share what I was doing and the progress I made so began posting tiktoks and instagram pictures to show off what I worked so hard for and hopefully help other people who don't know where to start. I had the support of my family and my friends helping me lose a total of 40 pounds and becoming a fitness model, even through the ups and downs of the three years it took. 

I eventually grew on Tiktok and Instagram and even started posting youtube videos with fitness related content. Different brands offered to work with me or advertise their products, and I started to realize that people wanted to see more content from me. I collaborated with many brands creating content and showing off clothes and supplements. I recently signed my first long term contract with a company based in Los Angeles, California where i was flown out to do my first real photoshoot. I couldn't believe that this was my life now.


3. What is your opinion of body image created by the media and how hard is it to put up with it?

Not everything is sunshine and rainbows on social media thought. I think there is a huge problem with the way body image is portrayed on social media. Many young girls see what is posted on social media, good or bad, and are influenced by it. 

I know because i was a young girl too. In recent years, photoshopping or "FaceTuning" pictures has become, in my opinion, a serious problem. Girls edit their waists to be unachievable small, hips abnormally large, and overall changing their whole bodies. 

People see this and think it is real and think they could one day look like these false images, but that is not the case. Whether it's with surgery or computer editing software, it's hard to tell if anyone or anything posted online is true. Even the most famous of people, such as the Kardashians, have been caught photoshopping their photos. 

I think it's incredibly hard to keep up with when I want to be honest and help as many people as I can when so many others are lying. I try to spread the message of body positivity and healthy lifestyles because so many people are struggling to accept themselves for one reason or another. 

4. How do you keep your fitness training knowledge up to date?

I keep my fitness knowledge up to date by consistently watching videos and reading articles from many different people on new advancements and discoveries. Just like the trends change in fashion, they change in the fitness community as well. 

Black leggings will be in one day, and then bright patterns the next. The only way to stay up to date with new trends and also nre information is to immerse yourself in the culture around the fitness community. Many YouTube channels specialize in news specifically about fitness related news and reviews, some even backed by science. I take time to see what many different people say about trends and what exercises are being discovered as beneficial. 

5. Do you have fitness goals for yourself? If so, what are they?

I have many fitness goals. I have the physical goal of being able to quickly do 10 pullups perfectly, squat 150 pounds, and bench press 115 pounds. I also have a goal to be completely happy and comfortable in my body and hopefully use my journey as inspiration to others. A long term goal of mine is also to compete in a bodybuilding competition!

6. Who or what gives you the most inspiration?

Most of my inspiration for fitness comes from the health benefits. I love feeling healthy and strong and being the best version of myself I can be. Getting messages from people saying I inspire them or have helped them in some way makes me inspired to keep going. Seeing results makes me want to work harder. 

7. How important is social media validation in your profession?

While social media validation is certainly encouraging and inspiring in itself, the main reason I began working out was for myself. I only started posting to show off my progress and hopefully help others, not for compliments. Compliments and kind words make me feel good, but it doesn't bring real happiness. 

If anything it's just as encouraging as my friends saying good job and it holds me accountable. I always remember im doing this for myself and did it for 2 years without praise. 

8. How can one take care of their mental health in this high pressure glamorous field? 

Mental is very important to me. Many people close to me struggle every day with a variety of mental health issues including depression and anxiety. I see how hard it could be for some people to take care of their mental health when not everyone has access to professional treatment, they can't balance obligations, and some people don't even know how. There are some days when all of us, me included, want to lay in bed for days. 

I think it's really good to take rest days not just for your, but also for your mind. I like relaxing in the bath with my favorite show, candles, and keeping my phone out of the room for a few hours. It might sound cliche, but sometimes just doing a facemask with no phone in sight and laying in bed is a really relaxing way to take a break. I always remember that I am doing everything for me and my happiness, not for anyone else's.

9. What are some of your upcoming projects?

I have many projects planned, mostly focused on YouTube. I am going to (hopefully) start a series on YouTube about the gym. I am going to make videos showing how I get ready for the gym, what I do in the gym, and what I do after the gym. I'm going to make this a weekly or biweekly series in a Vlog style video. I also have plans for many other videos including travel videos and different types of unconventional workouts!

10. Which is your favourite book and why?

I've always considered myself an avid reader and even won awards for reading in school! Every time I read a new book it's my favorite until i read another one, so at the moment i'd say that it's Crazy Love by Leslie Morgan Steiner. I love this book because it features a female protagonist who is strong for leaving a very difficult relationship and talks about the hardships of domestic violence. The story really touched my heart and talked about many difficult issues women (and men) can face.

- Cristina Carmella

My name is Cristina Carmella. I am 21 years old and currently attending West Chester University of Pennsylvania, graduating this December, 2021. I grew up close to the Jersey Shore until I moved for college. 

- Instagram: Cristina Carmella

- TikTok: Cristina Carmella

- Intervieewed By Pearlina Marie Rein

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