Ekta Dixit - Even In 21st Century, Mental Health Is Been Stigmatized, People Hesitate To Seek Help Despite Of Experiencing Traumatic Issues Like Chronic Anxiety & Depression (Life & Relationship Coach, India)


India doesn't recognize psychology has a great profession, there are many loopholes such as less money, less recognition, lack of enough resources and stigma to top it.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I'm Ekta Dixit, Life & Relationship Coach, a mental health Counsellor creating Life transforming content on Instagram. As a post graduate in Psychology, I started working as a therapist but deep down I knew I was meant to be an orator, not just changing one life at a time through therapy but with public events helping thousands tap into their potential. 

So I took up many speaking events throughout my journey until 2020 when pandemic hit us, I turned towards social media, guiding through my bit sized videos.

2. What led you to take up this career path?

As a teen back then I was always curious about why people acted in a certain way, what shaped every individual's thought? why certain toxic behavior are been practiced despite of knowing it's toxic. These question always haunted me, I began to pursue Psychology to quench my thirst about human mind. 

At first I dreamed of being an Air crew in Aviation, but nothing could beat my love for personal development & Mental health. 

3. What are some common myths in society about psychology?

Sadly, even in 21st century, mental health is been stigmatized, people hesitate to seek help despite of experiencing traumatic issues like chronic anxiety and depression, eating disorders, relationship strain, lack of career clarity. 

One of the biggest myth I often come across is people assuming that just by visiting a psychologist will resolve their issues, but the fact is, the therapist will show you the way, will guide your through your self limiting obstacles but if you don't take the needful steps as explained, nothing works like a magic. 

You have to begin by helping yourself by joining hands with therapist. Another biggest myth society has is that, psychologist charge you just listen, instead speak to your friend or family and you'll be okay, but the fact is psychologist don't just listen but use proven methods and testings to strategically build resilience and handle crisis.

4. How can people practice mindfulness?

By being aware, aware of their thoughts, their feelings, their actions. Being mindful is nothing but being conscious of your act, acknowledging that the world is NOT the creator of my life, I AM. 

Daily 20 minutes of meditation, repeating affirmations, listening to instrumental music, or even delta beat music can help them practice mindfulness. Remembering, what you have is "Now" the past is gone, and dwelling upon past only brings guilt and anger, the future isn't yet seen, future thoughts only creates more anxiety of anticipation. 

But the present brings only goodness. When you remind yourself that you have full power on your present moment, is when you become more mindful. 

5. What are your tips for people who want to practice this profession?

Only if you have the resilience to bring change in your life, is when you can change others. Only when you are driven to help other through their tough times, is when you must choose to become a therapist. 

I get many queries on social media about how is psychology as a profession does it have enough money? does it have more exposure? Unfortunately, India doesn't recognize psychology has a great profession, there are many loopholes such as less money, less recognition, lack of enough resources and stigma to top it. 

But if really understand what mental health is and are determined to help others then go ahead and choose psychology because it breaks my heart to say that, sadly Per One Lakh individuals we have 0.1 Psychologists in India. And we need to get better at this, because mental health issues will keep rising. 

6. Is work-life balance a myth or reality according to you?

It's definitely a reality, when you begin to weigh different areas of your life well, you are able to perform exuberantly in each if those arrays . It's like, "only work & no play, makes jack a burnout person". When we talk about work life, it means work what has your heart and then indulge into activities that recharges you. 

Lets accept the fact, that today's work culture has become toxic, and extremely demanding, even if you follow your passion, you still have to put your best self on the table, there are times you wish to rejuvinate which is why people take holidays and go on vacations, for what? Work-life balance. 

Best way is to indulge into mini rejuvenations daily to avoid any mental of physical burnout. such as pre or post work hours, have a family movie time or read a book, meditate, move your body or quality sleep. These recharges your mental batteries.

7. How according to you can one manage stress?

By understanding the difference between what you can control and what you can't. You know, we have two circles in our life, smaller circle which has all the things that we can control such as our perception, our decisions, our judgement, our choices, our opinions & our responses. 

And then there's a bigger circle outside the smaller ones which has all the things we cannot control such as others opinions, perceptions, judgements, their actions, thoughts etc., and woefully, we focus on the outer circle and let it affect us. So the day we realize that we don't have control over the situation or other people we'll begin to stress less.

Just stop toxic people, toxic circumstances influencer you, you always have the choice to work through it. Exercise your mind and body, focus on your goals, do activities that refreshes you, create small victories for yourself each day, that's how you learn to toss and turn your stress into joy.

Ekta Dixit

- Interviewed By Lakshme Priyaa

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