Hustle Culture: Mental Health Amidst A Pandemic

Recent times have been tough for us and there is a light waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. But are we supposed to be normal, with all that’s happening around us? The entire world is in chaos shaped by the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet, we are supposed to be well balanced and function as usual. 
Things are only seen to worsen every moment, with noxious corporate culture in India. A recent study by Azim Premji University estimates that 230 million Indians have been pushed into poverty during 2020 alone. While facing such an economic crisis, many have no other choice but to “Hustle” as if nothing has happened. This has to be addressed! 
At a time when people are trying to barely survive with the basic requirements of life, we are reckoned to keep it cool and attend all our virtual meetings. We are being encircled by the news of death and despair round the clock, everyone would have experienced the loss of a loved one during this pandemic or work to find the resources.
Even with the mounting death toll, declining socio-economic growth and crumbling health infrastructure, employees are asked to keep it cool. Such a toxic system, has made our corporate culture harder than ever. This is because of the hustle culture widespread among the youth in the present times. 

What is the Hustle Culture?
In this internet era, on any social media platform, it’s quite easy to find impulsive quotes like, “Work hard till your car door opens vertically” or “Hustle beats talent when talent doesn’t hustle”. Such motivational quotes are what fuel the Hustle Culture, the belief that you can be successful in life only if you sacrifice your sleep and happiness.
In a country like ours with an immense population of 1.3 billion and an unequal distribution of wealth, we live in constant apprehension of being replaceable in a highly competitive workspace. Many have become workaholics as a result of this and have reached a point where they are in occupational burnout. 
People are in a rat race. Psychologists attribute this to the unforgiving society and merciless corporate culture. In our country where the majority of the people are financially insecure, we tend to work with a scarcity mindset. A scarcity mindset is when we are so obsessed with a lack of something, in this case, money.
This has taken various forms in our society. It has led to the belief, “Work is Worship” and the cultural idea that, the time spent working is more worthy than the quality of your work. We believe that such a work style will allow us to have fulfilment but in reality, they do the opposite and leave us exhausted.

Early Social Accustoming and an Emotionless Work Culture 
It has become customary these days, to hear about employees getting exploited or being yelled at, having things flung at them or even bullied. This has become much worse with the lack of workers’ unions to protect the rights of employees at workplaces. 
Another reason why such horrible bosses and culture runs amok is the cultural expectations that we must respect elders or those who are advanced in age than us. This meekness of employees leads to unchecked exploitation from ruthless bosses. In these times, when humanity and empathy are expected, things have gone too far.
Some reports have been pouring in that, certain insecure managers are using tools such as tracking devices to monitor the amount of time spent by employees. While some others insist on turning on the video cameras all day, for others to keep a profaning eye on the employees.
This rat race we are involved in starts right from our schools, where we are expected to get good grades which are easily accomplished by rote learning. Given the pandemic and the resulting lockdown, teachers assume that students are mentally fine. In reality, it is otherwise. The mental health of students is not being discussed, as it is still a stigma.  

Coping Up with Hustle Culture
Too much pressure, causes us to crack up and changes our perspective towards success. While organizations have their workshops and events, helplines exist for counselling with mental health experts.  
At a time when the majority of the workforce is experiencing burnouts and are exhausted, effective solutions include turning off your mobile phone, reiterating the margins between work and personal life and reinstating boundaries between the boss and self. Listening to soulful or soothing or relaxing music would calm the mind.
Yoga and exercise may also lead to the all-around development of health and would help overcome the inabilities of the toxic workplace. To make it concise, one must first learn to unlearn all the years of social conditioning, we had in our childhood. We must also take care of our emotional immunity along with physical immunity, by self prioritizing. 
Written by - Chandrasekar S M
Edited by - Piyush Pandey

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