Importance of Internships in Dynamic World of Today

Oxford dictionary defines an internship as the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.

According to a 2016 National Survey of Colleges and Employees (NCAE), more than 56 per cent of graduating seniors reported taking part in at least one internship. Of those respondents, 56 percent were paid, while 44 percent were unpaid. Seventy-two percent of those unpaid internships were credit-bearing.

In this article, we are going to talk about the benefits of doing an internship while you are pursuing graduation in any field.

These are some of the hashtags that you can use when posting or searching about the internships online on social media platforms. Hashtag recommendation- #internship, #college, #collegelife, #student

1. Application of theory

 Internships provide a handful of opportunities for students to put what they are learning into action, in a real-world environment. This helps in paving a way for you to better understand the theories and strategies which you have been learning about. The circumference of the focus increases.

2. Exploring career opportunities

It is beneficial for those students who are exploring their career options. They get great insight and a much better understanding of what it is like to work in a team at a particular company.

It provides a clear idea of the industry itself. In future, this experience will add a brownie point in job hunting and give a better idea of types of job which interest you and most important types of job you do not want to do. Since you are at the exploring stage it helps in knowing yourself better.

3. Knowing Yourself

You will get much clear about your strength, weakness, what you like and what you do not like. It will make you feel confident about yourself when in future you will to sit for job interviews.

4. Building Networks

Internships help in building networks and provide a sphere where you can connect with people. By taking part in the meetings, you will know more about the professional conduct of the company. While interning at different companies you can make connections that will last life-long and help you in future endeavours.

5. Keeps You Motivated

You will be motivated when you will have to analyse and write a real report with real-world consequences. It will give you a sense of satisfaction when you will be contributing to the success of a live project and people will be counting on you to do a good job.

6. Helps you to stand out in the job market

When you work as an intern it shows that you are willing to take responsibilities, work hard, want to learn and are interested in gaining experience. It adds a bonus when you will be seeking jobs as it will distinguish you from different candidates.

7. Building resume

You can brief your responsibilities and your learning experience in your resume.

8. Transition to a full-time employee

You may also get a chance to work as a full-time employee in the company if you work hard as an intern. If a manager is confident in your abilities to do a job and knows who you are, you are in with a far greater chance of getting a role than you would otherwise.

9. Getting a letter of recommendation

When it comes to finding your first graduate position, references and recommendations can be the difference between an offer and a rejection. Most managers will be happy to offer a reference or letter of recommendation after completing an internship with them, so when the time comes you will have a greater chance of getting the job you have always wanted.

10. Research Work

If your field of study is scientific, an internship might consist of assisting in a lab. This will provide on-ground experience and you can test your research skills which you learned in your college in a practical setting and meaningfully contribute to the important research which the lab does.

Some permanent research jobs require post-education training. Internship opportunities can help you to decide what kind of lab work you want to do.

11. Mentorship

The most valuable mentor relationships often start with a personal connection that enhances the experience for both the mentor and the mentee. Working as an intern may allow you to meet a potential mentor naturally and establish a relationship that helps guide your career path.

In person, you have the chance to reveal your personality and show deference and respect while seeking guidance and input. An internship can create a situation where your relationship develops organically, even if you end up working elsewhere in a full-time position.

12. Knowing the work culture

You may have studied how organizations work, hear from guest speakers who talk about organizational structures or dive into case studies about workplace culture.

But when you take the position of intern you get to learn all about your work culture employee relations and leadership structure. Internships will give not only the opportunity to help the organization grow but they will help you out too.

13. Personal Growth

 While professors and teachers will be helping you out with the theoretical part internships provide opportunities for receiving feedback from someone who works in your desired field daily.

14. Financial Aid

 Sometimes internships are also paid. Paid internships will help you to release the extra burden from your parents and you will not have to rely on them for your extra expenses.

Written By - Ishika

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