Photo Source - Instagram
Shoot for | @osmanabdulrazak
Instagram - @kishendas
I don't really have a journey as such. I was the typical average student, I was pretty much average/below average in everything. The first thing that set me apart was Theatre. I started my journey with theatre which eventually branched out to on-screen work, Youtube content, writing etc.
2. What led you to start your blog and what is it about?
Haha so I don't have an active blog right now but I started a small portal back when I was in college to talk about cinema and films that I had seen. It was called Rs 120 and I used to love talking about films. The blog died when I took to youtube to do the same with 'Fully Filmy'.
3. Is it financially sustainable to be a digital creator these days?
I don't think it is right for me to answer this because I don't depend on the same. To be honest, I put aside the money I make from collaborations online for charity or I donate to an NGO that my family runs called BForce. But yes, if you are an active creator that created a brand for yourself then today is a better time than any to make a living off of SM platforms.
I think Youtube has proved time and again to be an effective platform for the same but I do know influencers in general who make a living off of brand collaborations on Instagram.
4. How can someone become a successful content creator?
4. How can someone become a successful content creator?
That's the million-dollar question, I think it's many factors put together, it's the nature of the content you make, which needs to be relatable, based on trends and shareable, coupled with a personality that people love. It all boils down to these factors which are instrumental in building any sort of base.
5. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content?
I still haven't identified a source. So most of my content stems from observation and coupling those observations with wacky situations that I can think of. Most of the time I find myself coming up with these ideas when my mind is idle or I'm processing something I witnessed or consumed.
The sad part is that regardless of whether you are inspired, as a content creator online you need to keep churning out content for the algorithm to work in your favour. The endless battle of the healthy quantity of content with the ideal quality is very difficult to win.
6. Who is your favourite creator and why?
6. Who is your favourite creator and why?
I don't have favourites, I love discovering creators. There's something special and satisfying about discovering a personality online and just binging on their opinions and videos/content. I enjoy watching sketches, parody videos and any sort of infotainment that is packaged entertainingly!
- Interviewed by - Soumya Bhayana