Poverty in India - It's Causes, Effects and Solutions

Poverty refers to a situation in which a person continues impoverished from the requirements of life. In extension, the person does not have an inadequate supply of food, shelter, and clothes. 

In India, most of the people who are undergoing poverty cannot afford to pay for a sole meal a day. Also, they sleep on the roadside; wear filthy old clothes. In accumulation, they do not get proper decent and nutritious food, neither prescription nor any other essential thing.

Reducing Poverty 

One of the most beneficial ways of curtailing poverty, at least for forthcoming generations is by providing access to education. This assures that someones are experienced and qualified sufficiently to secure a well-paying job. Similarly, family planning must also be taken into deliberation because the rising population contributes to poverty.

As an outcome, poverty is not a dilemma that can be solved overnight, however, enforcing these solutions over a decade or two will help to ease the problem.

Causes of Poverty

The rate of deprivation in India is boosting because of the improvement in the urban society. The rural community is departing to towns to find adequate employment. Most of this society find an underpaid job or an activity that pays only for their food. 

Most grandly, around crores of urban people are below the deprivation line and many of the people are on the borderline of scarcity.

Moreover, a huge number of people live in low-lying areas or slums. These people are mostly illiterate and despite efforts, their circumstance remains similar and there is no reasonable result. Furthermore, there are numerous reasons that we can notify the major cause of poverty in India. 

These causes include corruption, growing population, poor, agriculture the broad gap between rich and needy, old customs, illiteracy, unemployment, and a few more. 

A massive segment of people are immersed in an agricultural activity but the activity spends very tiny in comparison to the work done by employees. Also, more population desires more food, houses, and wealth and in the absence of these facilities, poverty grows very quickly. 

In improvement, being extra poor and richer also widens the gap between the rich and poor. Moreover, the rich are accumulating richer and the poor are receiving poorer creating a financial gap that is risky to fill up.

Effects of Poverty

It affects people living in many ways. Also, it has several consequences that include illiteracy, reduced nutrition and diet, poor housing, child labor, unemployment, poor hygiene and lifestyle, and feminization of poverty, etc. 

Besides, these needy people cannot have the wealth for a healthful and balanced diet, nice clothes, proper education, a permanent and clean house, etc. because all these installations expect money and they don’t have money to feed two meals a day then how can they have the money for to pay for these facilities. 

Child labor is heightening as young boys and girls have to engage in labor to fulfill household needs. Poverty is the regulating cause of inadequate diet and insufficient nutrition.

Poverty can ameliorate by putting up with the following steps:- 
  • The ever-rising population has to rectify. 
  • Family planning strategies should be inaugurated. 
  • Farmers must be equipped and nurtured. 
  • New agriculture techniques must be acquainted. 
  • Farmers should get adequate irrigation capacities. 
  • Farming must be made beneficial. 
  • More and more enterprises have to set up to wipe out unemployment. 
  • Free education must be empowered to the poor. 
  • The rift between rich and poor have to be eliminated. 
  • Corruption must terminate. 
The Solutions for Ending Poverty

For unraveling the difficulty of poverty we must act rapidly and correctly. One of the ways of solving these problems is to provide acceptable facilities to farmers. So, that they can make agriculture successful and do not depart to cities in search of livelihood.

Also, uneducated people should be given mandatory equipping so that they can live better lives. To test the rising population, family planning should be followed. Moreover, criteria should be taken to stop corruption, so that we can deal with the rift between rich and poor. 

 Deprivation is coming to be a problematic predicament for the people and the government, how to overcome out this, in India the scarcity is high correlating other countries because the development rate of per capita income per person is very low. With a dearth of job opportunities, many people move as rickshaw pullers, construction workers, domestic servants, and so on, with uneven small earnings hence they reside in slum areas. 

Also, lack of territory resources has been one of the crucial causes of poverty in India, even the small agriculturist of our country oversee poverty because they develop but do not get reasonable money in terms of revenue and leads to a deficiency.

In the decision, scarcity is not the dilemma of a person but the entire nation. Also, it should be contracted with on a serious basis by the enactment of beneficial measures. In extension, eradication of deficiency has become vital for the acceptable and comprehensive development of people, society, country, and economy. 

Poverty in India can eliminate with some beneficial programs, just need a joint effort from everyone not only from the government. The administration of India should make practical policies aiming to formulate rural areas through key elements like primary education, population control policies, family welfare, job creation, and so on.

Written By - Loveleen Tiwari 
Edited By - Akash Verma

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