Tasfia Amin Samia - I've Always Been an Entertainer. Making People Smile Is What Makes Me Feel Complete (Content Creator From Bangladesh)

I used to write down scripts and dialogues, hoping to act it out one day. 

Raised in a strict family, I was pushed to earn on my own to get what I want. My older brothers bought their electronic devices on their own and always encouraged me to do the same. When I finally got my first job, as a teacher, I saved my salary and bought my first phone. That's basically when my journey started. 

Tell us about your background and journey. 

I've been born and raised in Chattogram, Bangladesh. I am a student who just finished her A-Levels, a teacher and a social media content creator. Creating video's is something I've been very passionate about since I was 12. But I never really had any device to record and edit back then. I used to write down scripts and dialogues, hoping to act it out one day. 

Raised in a strict family, I was pushed to earn on my own to get what I want. My older brothers bought their electronic devices on their own and always encouraged me to do the same. When I finally got my first job, as a teacher, I saved my salary and bought my first phone. That's basically when my journey started. 

What led you to start your page on Instagram, and what is it about? 

A month or two after I got my phone, COVID-19 took over. During the pandemic, I had no classes, no job but a major depression attack. I've been suffering from depression from a really early age and nothing could really help me. One random day I was just making a birthday wish video for my friend and ended up making a few skits. 

I used an unrecognizable filter off Snapchat and opened an Instagram account to post all of it. My first video had about 200 views and I was on the seventh heaven. Gradually I came to the realization of how that helped me with depression. The entire time I spent making videos, editing them and replying back to comments; I felt a purpose, a goal. 

I've always been an entertainer. Making people smile is what makes me feel complete. I gathered my shattered courage and uploaded my first content on my main Instagram account (fascia). I had about 600 followers, all consisting of my friends, family and acquaintances. I only had 3-4 friends supporting me since the start. Had people talking, laughing behind my back. But making videos is the only thing that kept me from being suicidal. From being depressed. Now that I look back, I sure used to make cringe content but hey! I've come so far and more to go! 

How would you distinguish the term blogger from an influencer?

I wouldn't really distinguish between them and given that I have very little knowledge about it, I'll keep my words limited. Bloggers, as I see them, are people who form a family on social media. Regularly updating them with their personal lives. Influencers are low-key the same too. 

They are what I call "home models". They often get paid to promote products to their followers. But I believe people, on Instagram, specifically, should not call themselves "influencers" unless their existence or work seemingly 'influence' anyone. 

Is it financially sustainable to be an influencer today?

I'll be practical. Sure it's fun to earn money by promoting products or advertising for brands but is it enough? No. Is there any way it'll guarantee you a secure future? No. It's only a phase. People love them, their work but love won't give them money. 

Influencers are appreciated in other countries but in Bangladesh, they're just looked at as a person that aunties describe as "hopeless" Social media has the facilities of monetization but let's be honest, it is a long journey to get there. If I had to choose between education and being a content creator, it'll be education. 

What do you think influences consumer behaviour?

Motivation, perception, learning and attitude. That's what Businesses studies taught me and I like to agree with it. I think I'll keep it till there before I start pouring my business notes in here. 

What is your idea of success or your mantra in life?

My idea of success is, of course, money. Also, love. But money first. I've always had the dream to change lives. Either people's mindset or their financial condition. Currently focusing on mindset though. I don't have any mantra. I wake up feeling useless. I go to sleep feeling useless. 

In the middle of that uselessness, I have my social media family flooding me with all the love which I probably don't even deserve. That's what inspires me. Motivates me. When people text me, telling me that I changed their perspective about something or my videos make them smile. You won't know the feeling till you feel it yourself. 

How can someone become a successful social media influencer?

Simple. Do something or be someone that will inspire others. Be the person people will want to look up to. Be the kind of person YOU want to look up to in times of distress. Influencers are not just about looking pretty, dressing up and posing for pictures. They are a role model. 

Inspiration for people to speak out their heart and do what they want Followers and likes? Not important at all. Instead of having thousands of followers, you'd rather want a hundred to follow you, not only on social media but also in real life. 

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Interviewed by - Saba Parveen

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