The world is changing at a very fast pace with many technological advancements being made.
But, this has cost much more than expected. In the race of development, we have forgotten about our surroundings, our nature. We have forgotten that if there will be no planet then what is the use of all the advancements.
Global warming has become a concerning factor. The melting of the ice caps has begun at an increasingly alarming rate. Many coastal cities have already submerged.
Many of the coastal cities are now facing a danger of being submerged in the ocean forever, like Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.
What is the Arctic's Last Ice Area?
The Arctic is located in the northernmost part of the globe. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and other oceans and parts of Norway, Greenland (Denmark), Alaska (USA), Finland, Russia, Sweden, Iceland.
The Arctic's last area is north of Greenland and Ellesmere Island in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. The Arctic's last area was reported in an article published by National Geographic.
Scientists forecasted that most of the polar caps will not withstand the rising levels of global warming, and will be melted by 2040.
There was an exception, they believed that this area of the Arctic will withstand the global warming levels and will not melt. However, recently there has been a shocking discovery showing that the Arctic's last ice region has started to slowly melt away.
When the Changes Started Happening?
Changes first started to appear in 2018. In August 2020 when the scientists were on a research expedition, they accessed satellite images of the Arctic to find where the ice was thin enough to steer the ship. They found it in a strange place, the Wandel Sea (east part of the arctic's last ice area).
The region was supposed to have impenetrable ice throughout the year. The sea ice showed vulnerability to climate change. The ice is thinning in the arctic last ice area just like other areas in the Arctic. The region was thought to withstand for a longer time and not be affected by climate changes.
About 80 percent of the melting of the ice is said to be because of the strong winds in the region. The winds drifted the ice around. The rest 20 percent is because of long-term global warming factors.
Why is it a concerning matter?
The Arctic's last ice area spans more than 1,200 miles (2,000 km). The region is called Arctics' last ice area for a reason, it was believed that the ice in the region will not melt till late 2100.
It was believed by the scientists that when the other regions of the Arctic will melt the last ice area will provide a safe home for the habitat present in the region. The area is used by seals to build their dens for offspring.
The polar bears use the area for hunting seals. Walruses use the surface for foraging. For Intuits, the area is like a highway that they use to travel and hunt. The poles act as a refrigerator of the planet.
They keep the planet’s water levels in check. They are also responsible for keeping the planet's temperature levels in check as they reflect back heat back into space, they balance the heat absorbed by other parts of the planet.
The disappearing ice from the poles will lead to unpredictable weather situations, increased heat waves, and an increase in water levels. According to reports, around 800 million people living near the coastal areas around the world will be displaced by 2050.
Written by: Priyanshu Bhardwaj
Edited by: Gourav Chowdhury