Arun Singh - I Am Obsessed with Hindi Films and Would Love to Witness Srk’s Wit in Person (Journalist and Digital Content Creator from India)

Arun Singh

A journalist and digital content creator who juggles between bringing serious news to people and being goofy on his Instagram as The Jhumroo. Postgraduate in English, he loves travelling, his work, friends and ghar ka khaana.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I am born and brought up in Jalandhar, Punjab and grew up as a shy, quiet (only in public) and confused teen until I discovered that I have skills that demand me to be out there! I realised speaking skills is my strength and radio can accommodate me well. I wished to be the youngest radio jockey which didn't happen but because I started working on the dream early, I cracked my first job in the same month I turned 18(I continued my studies side by side folks!). There hasn't been no looking back since then.

2. What is your opinion about press freedom in India?

It's disheartening to see India do terribly in various world indices that rate countries on the grounds of press freedom. Keeping figures aside, just look at the recent visuals that came from UP during the local polls where a TV journo was thrashed by an IAS officer. It is a sad state of affairs but it pushes you to do better journalism and narrate stories that reflect nothing but only the truth.

3. Who is your favourite journalist and why? 

I am a fan of eloquent journalists who hit the ground and tell real stories. No one does it as well on Indian television as Sreenivasan Jain from NDTV.

4. Recently, social media has seen your Punjabi side and you promoting your regional language. Do you feel the need to motivate the upcoming generations to communicate in their regional languages to keep them alive? 

Honestly, there is no agenda like that in my head. It is just for my love for the language. I am also a part of that group that doesn't always get their regional language right. The point is that I want to learn more and keep practising. If that helps the upcoming generation as well: burraahhh!

5. What is your message to all aspiring journalists?

Tell the stories as they are.

6. If you could interview one famous person, who would that be and why? 

I am obsessed with Hindi films and would love to witness SRK's wit in person.

7. Which is your favourite book and why? 

There are many. But I was in 8th standard when I read You Can Win by Shiv Khera and it convinced me to believe that I possess that one talent that makes me stand out. Luckily, I figured that 'one talent' out and it worked for me.

Interviewed by: Shruti Aggarwal


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