Pooja Singh - Don’t Compare Yourself to Others, and Try to Be as Authentic as Possible (Travel Blogger From India)

Pooja Singh

 I have also started a hostel chain ATS (All-terrain Stay) and simultaneously run a travel company ‘RidingSolo’.

1. Tell us about your background and journey. 

I was born in Haryana & raised in different parts of India as my father was in the Indian Army. I graduated from Delhi & did MBA in Marketing from Mumbai. After that, I worked in corporate for 4.5 years in Mumbai in Investor Relations. I Was lucky enough to always have had a family that loved little getaways and local travel enabling me to visit some really beautiful places. 

I started traveling solo around 3-4 years back and now completely dedicated myself to traveling content creation. I have also started a hostel chain ATS (All-terrain Stay) and simultaneously run a travel company ‘RidingSolo’. My hunger for wanting to explore more grew as I got older and since then I have been exploring places non-stop. You can check my travel updates on Instagram Pooja Singh.

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2. What led you to start your blog and what is it about? 

As a kid, I traveled a lot. Travelling was integral to my parents, once you begin, you get closer to knowing yourself and when that happens, there’s no coming back – you want to do it more and more.  I went on my first solo trip to Goa in May 2018.  And then I got bitten by the travel bug. I devised a plan to make sure I would travel whenever I could.  The way my life has turned in these 28 years I am absolutely loving my journey. 

This travel journey of my life is always giving me lots of surprises to my excitement and teaching me new lessons with all experiences. I traveled to almost 26 states. I worked for 4 years in Mumbai and then also I managed to travel while working full time. There was a point where I even traveled as much as 4 – 5 times a month while working full-time. As we get limited holidays in a year, I used to utilize all my weekends. But after working for 4.5 years in the corporate sector in Mumbai, I finally decided to follow my dreams of traveling full time. 

Initially, I was putting pictures on Insta just for fun but sooner I realized I could make it a career. I've now been on the road for four and a half years.

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3. Is it financially sustainable to be a digital creator these days? 

Yes, a digital creator can financially be sustainable but for that, you need to be the best in your field and also nothing comes to you without hustling and hard work. It took a while to get where I'm at, but anyone can do it with the time and effort they put in. Forming relationships with brands that love your content, usually have you on continuously for partnerships. 

4. How can someone become a successful content creator? 

Content creation is getting pretty popular. If you’re an expert in your field or if you are good at expressing yourself through your writing, vlogging, or photography – becoming a content creator could be an interesting solution for you. 

The first step is to pick a platform where you will create content. Will it be a blog, a Youtube channel, a podcast? You will have to learn a lot of new things – algorithms, social media marketing, etc. These new skills will help you market yourself. Becoming a content creator can be challenging at first, but it is a fun career path especially if you’re a creative person. 

5. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring travel content creators?

Don’t compare yourself to others, and try to be as authentic as possible. 

The most important thing is slow traveling. This is what I learned myself in the last year. You’ll learn more, enjoy it more, and have a much more memorable experience. I would also advise young travelers to go with the flow. And lastly, start with budget traveling. 

6. Who is your favorite creator and why? 

I love to watch travel stories of the Ashkenaz treasury. I like the way she makes travel content and moreover the kind of non-stop traveling she does which I really admire as I also love exploring places non-stop.

7. Which is your favorite book & why? 

To be very honest I am not a fan of reading books. But I met an author 'Ajay Pandey' recently when he stayed at my property in Manali and read his latest book 'Her Last Wish'. I really liked that. 

Pooja Singh

- Pooja Singh

Travel Blogger

Interviewed By Victor


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  1. I love you Poojah 😍😍😍

  2. I really love what you are doing. Its very helpful.

  3. This blogger has realized that don't compare yourself with others.

    For me this is right, because not everyone is the same. different people, different talents. She is capable that you cannot, She is capable that She cannot. So this information is correct not only for us but for everyone. They are many people looking for what they lack because they are jealous of others, but the truth is they can do something that others cannot, just be true to yourself, and trust in what you can do. That's the thing of becoming successful.

  4. It is very important that you learn to be yourself, because you're irreplaceable and one be yourself that stand out among others. You are you, don't compare yourself to others and don't try to copy others. Be the best version of yourself.

  5. Wow Good Blog it's Kinda Nostalgic about your Travel I'd Travel in the Past and it's just killing me like your Tours it's Great for me to think that it's awesome I also want to travel in the future nice Article 🙏

  6. Continue to be kind content creator.May you be succesful traveller in the future.

  7. Dont compare yourself to others becuase we are different style, strategies, habbit, talents and the most important at all are kindness some other people are making bad moves to other we are different consequence when it comes life we believe that some human rights are deserves it.

  8. I admired her for her passion and she is strong physically and mentally. Sometimes we forget what we really wanted because we have our own responsibilities and we think it is too late for that thing and stuff. We have a lot of "what if's" in this world. What we lack is courage, courage to do something what we really wanted but getting affected to the words given into us by our surroundings. We got insecurities because we look to others, look only into ourselves never compare because that is the time you will questioning yourself. Focus only to yourself. Everyday we learn a lot even in our mistakes. Never stop learning keep pushing forward. No one believe in you, if you not believe in youself. Always stay positive and attract positive vibes never entertain negative vibes. Always believe "It is a bad day but not a bad life". Never imitate others be the best version of yourself.


  9. It's nice to read it to remind how we must love ourselves, we tend to seek for attention to the point that we're intimidated by the others, but this article reminds us to be unique in anyway. Try to learn more and be adventurous, do what makes you happy and comfortable. You may not be able to stand out but the happiness you can feel can stand it out.

    twitter: @potentialisko

  10. Hi I'm @jmaeyouuu on Twitter ✨ I really love this Article because I'm also a type of person who loves to travel just to forget about reality and to think about positive vibes only to forget problems. Sometimes we need to take a break after a long day of work to enjoy every moment that we have to experience while we are young 🌱 you just need to believe and trust the process even if it's a little steps to reach your goal, time will come that someday in the perfect time until you realize that your dreams come true✨

  11. In the Philippines according to the human rights of 1997 state that we have the right to travel with security and safety of our life. This articles share us how to be free we live once we must enjoy our life with our passion,we must explore the world we must follow our dreams. It says "Dont compare yourself to others, and try be as authentic as possible" this quotation feels my all emotions that we dont need others opinions just do whatever you want no one can stop you.

  12. Love this article!!! 💕

    I learned a lot of valuable things coming from you and I like how enthusiastic you are from your passions. I can greatly relate to you and I must say we share the same habits. I love travelling, making vlogs, and reading books too.

    I love how you emphasized to be "AUTHENTIC".
    I believed we should remind ourselves always that we should stop anticipating our final form and start loving our unfinished version.
    That we should measure our worth based on our impact on other people's lives - not on our intellect, not on the skills we could offer, nor an appearance that would satisfy people's eyes.

    I agree that we should not compare ourselves to others.
    To be honest, this is something I’m still working on myself.
    But I keep motivating myself that I need to fully live in the present without anxiously thinking of building a beautiful end.
    I know comparison will always be a struggle—for me just as much as anyone! But we don't belong to other people who like our pictures. I belong to a God who loves me, and so do you.

    "Focus on the quality of your life, not the quantity of your likes."

    Keep inspiring people!♡


  13. We don’t have to be perfect to be happy. We just have to be REAL. There’s no point comparing ourselves to others because everyone is unique. Each of us has our flaws and that makes us human. The bigger the scar is, the stronger we become. Just keep living life to the fullest :)


  14. Yes true dont compared your self to others Sometimes you need to maintain a distance to keep them close to you.Want to travel alone? You’re not the only one! Travelling alone will change your life. Don’t get me wrong, any form of wandering around this beautiful planet will bring changes and improvement to the lives of those with restless feet, but there’s something special about solo adventures. Travelling by yourself means not being able to rely on anyone else to get the most out of your trips. It means you are left to navigate your place in the world, to embrace or shun the ever-changing call of the wild. No matter where you go and what you do, it will change you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is a very inspiring story of a transition from being a corporate slave to a sustainable self-employed individual with perks of doing what you love. What I learned from here is that you can be great at what you love to do if you put your heart and mind into it.

    James Clifford Armas
    Twitter: cryptoarmas

  17. Dont compare yourself to others.Being yourself will determine who are our true friends.

  18. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
    Making comparisons is easier than ever these days because information is available at our fingertips 24/7. Not only does it flow from friends, family, colleagues and associates, but from strangers we’ve never met because people broadcast their lives publicly for all the world to see. Jobs, clothing, cars, relationships, physiques, children, vacations, etc. – the possibilities for comparison are endless.
    Though, comparing yourself to others isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the energy is channeled properly, it can serve as a driving force that helps you work harder and strive higher. If you see others as acts of inspiration instead of adversaries, you can learn and be motivated by them and put yourself in a better position to accomplish your own hopes, goals and dreams. With proper perspective, you will appreciate people who are doing bigger, better or different things. It’s well known that athletes thrive off competition and use it to bring out the best in each other. At the same token, recognizing that your abilities are above someone else’s can deliver a boost to your confidence and self-esteem, but too much may lead to arrogance or conceit.
    I inspire you ma'am and ilove your article❤️

  19. The essence to be beautiful and uniqe as a person .is that God looking our hearts..if everyone desired to help lot of people..with humbleness..God will say.."Good job my faithful servant"..God bless us all.

  20. We tend to compare ourselves with others because of the insecurities we had. We think that they are more blessed, gifted, knowledgeable. But we have to tell our self that we have different phases in life. We have different stages to encounter. We don't need to compare ourselves with people because we out born in different ways. Also, be contented of what you have. Embracing your own flaws and incapabilities will make you know what exactly your looking for.

  21. Wow, what an wonderful story ,this is why i want to finish my study not to have good work but also to travel around the world

  22. At the very young age she started to travel from different places with his parents and I know it she creates the most precious memories with them. I can definitely say that she has a very good time management knowing the fact the in more than 4 years working on a corporate world she made 4-5 times travel a month even she is in full time job. From traveling across states alone isn't too bad especially for her that she'd enjoy everything doing it solo, the advantage of traveling alone is that, we, humans, tend to know ourselves even better than anybody does. I so shocked to know that she have left his corporate career to do full time travel, at first she just do uploads on socmed until she come up with an idea to make profit with her hobbies, she's great on making money while enjoying at the same time. After I've read this article about her I come up with a thought that "People will choose what makes them happy over money(or career) until that happiness can be turn into money(and career). Memories are good investment for your self that you'll not regret as times goes by.
    -twitter @Canillasjolo

  23. this is sooo nice, i love it ❤️

  24. Pooja Singh is the best impluence vlogger ..i really like her vlog very inspirational

  25. its so nice to have a vlogger lng you🥺❤️

  26. Yes,we shouldn't compare ourselves to anyone because we are unique individuals. God made our fate even before we were born. Where ever places we travel or went through it's already written on our book of life.

  27. Pooja Singh, your so very nice influencer and pretty. Actually I would like to tavel and be a vlogger. So that when I'm old I can relive my younger self and watch my own vlogs when I'm old.

  28. Your a very intelligent influencer. When I will get old I want to become a traveler like you and also a vlogger

  29. Yes i salute you for being influencer to other people .

  30. being alone ,,is a brave desicion

  31. You a very simple person..you have a strong confident in your self..
