Every time I get into a new phase of life, I feel like I am born again
1. Tell us about your company and your journey.
My company “Tvamway Global Services – BeABetterYou” is a Professional Coaching, Mentoring and Training organization where we enable People Transfornation (Individuals, Students, Working Professionals, Women, and Business Transformation (Corporates, Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders).
“Tvam” in Sanskrit means “Self” and “Way” is your Transformational Journey. There is always your way to lead and live your life!
On the People Transformation front, we focus on Inner Transformation, Personal Effectiveness, Humanistic concepts and Leadership Skills.
"Being a Lifepreneur" is one of my signature programs where we educate Individuals to learn the art of Living every day like it is their best.
I believe that this is the basic education every Individual needs to unlock his/her Potential and evolve into the BEST version of themselves requires knowing and understanding the basic humanistic concepts through experiential learning like:
Self Awareness, Authentic Self, Aligning your Values and Purpose into your Personal and Professional Life, Social Involvement, Physical Wellbeing, Mental Wellbeing, Emotional Resilience, Problem Solving, Limiting Beliefs, Focus, Mindfulness and so on.
As Dale Carnegie quotes – “Every day is a New Life to a Wise Man”
Also on the Business Transformation front, we work on the concept PD=BD, Personal Development = Business Development where People + Process + Strategy = 10x Profit
We are on a mission to educate every Individual (Children and Adults) globally on Humanistic values, Live and Experience every nuance of Life in both their Personal and Professional journey.
In the present times we have all evolved into the digital space and global reachability and connectivity is the new norm. We are working on building a SaaS based e-learning platform to make Life -education and Humanistic techniques, more reachable and visible to every Individual of all age groups globally.
2. How did you come up with this idea and go about executing it?
I’ve always been a Dreamer and someone who lives her dreams! I’ve spent most of my childhood with my grandparents as both my parents were working professionals.
Soon after school I would head to their place, quickly finish up my lunch and homework and one of my favourite pass-time would be to go to the rooftop, lie down and stare into the vast sky and day dream... The dreams consisted of so many possibilities I could do in life. It brought me a smile just imagining me living those dreams…
As a Lifepreneur, this is how my passion towards life, living life, understanding the nuances of People around me developed.
I am a Lifepreneur working on people welfare since my childhood. I understand the dynamics of leadership, having worked in diverse and multicultural geographies in IT and Telecom with some of the globally renowned organizations (mainly Germany, across EU, US and India).
I am passionate towards transforming people into a better and stronger version of themselves. I founded my company 'Tvamway Global Services’, with a resolve to turn my passion into reality by enabling People and Business Transformation.
Since childhood, I started visiting different communities, orphanages, old age homes and investing my time there in teaching music and dance. The smile on their faces would give me a lot of inner satisfaction and in turn put a big smile on my face.
This continued through my college days, my professional life here in India and in Germany when I moved there and now through my company "Tvamway Global Services"
As a Life Coach, Leadership & Executive Coach and Women Empowerment Enabler. I've an innate urge to work with people, especially women to recognize and nurture their identity, their authentic self, their capabilities, skills and better themselves in every aspect of life.
This in turn will help them gain the visibility and credibility they deserve to have a fulfilling life and career.
3. What has been your biggest challenge that you faced and how did you overcome that?
We come across many challenges in Life and re-inventing self is a lifelong process.
I play various roles in life and keep myself occupied in multiple streams as a single mother, a dynamic leader, a “Lifepreneur”, a Life Coach, Leadership & Executive Coach, Women Empowerment Enabler, a trained Carnatic and Western Vocalist and a licensed Zumba instructor.
I need to constantly work on my emotional mindset shift and also maintain my energy levels to the fullest on an everyday basis.
Mustering the courage in times of crisis and bouncing back even stronger is the key. There are many instances in my life where I had to work on the 3As of life, as I call it – Accept, Adapt and Agile
- Accept – Accepting your current thoughts, emotions, situation, people as is
- Adapt – Adapting to your new thoughts, emotions, situation, people
- Agile - Getting into Action mode to work on the new shift in your life
Every time I get into a new phase of life, I feel like I am born again:
- When I decided to continue my life as a single mother with my 2 year old baby, the “3A”s helped me a lot in the emotional shift
- When I moved back to India and got into the corporate world, I realised how important people management at work place is irrespective of the position you are in. That is when I decided to move out of the corporate ecosystem, take that leap of faith and start my own venture of Coaching and Mentoring where I help people to be self-managed.
- When you start on a new venture, its like your baby and the way you nurture and mould it determines your progress and success. Juggling with priorities, balancing your work and your personal responsibilities becomes a bigger challenge.
- I believe in work-life harmony while I manage my time and energy by giving a structure to my routine and focus on things that are in my control.
4. How can people practice mindfulness?
Being mindful is better than having your mind “full”
Self-Awareness helps you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and consciously feeling in-the-moment, without interpretation or judgment. Being in the present and in a flow-state not only helps you to enjoy what you are doing but also to give your best. It could be anything from
- Doing nothing and just observing your breathing for a few minutes,
- Walking in nature
- Taking mini breaks throughout the day
- Avoid doing multiple things at a time
- Playing with your kid or pet,
- Singing, dancing, painting, talking, working and so on.
Practicing mindfulness involves slow and conscious breathing, visualization, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
5. Is work-life balance a myth or reality according to you?
I believe in Work-Life Harmony than balancing your work and personal life as I need to give my 100% to both the important dimensions of life.
We are in unprecedented times and we have fallen into the new norm of Working FROM Home and Work FOR Home.
Integrating our work and life becomes all the more important for us to maintain sanity and perform at optimum levels both in our Personal and Professional lives.
Few tips to achieve Work-Life Harmony:
- Adapt your attitude and make conscious choices
- Engage in selfcare - Unwind and Reset
- Become more organised and manage time and stress
- Maintain a routine – prioritise your work and responsibilities
- Involve every family member (Adults and Children) in planning
- Set boundaries between work and home in both time and space
- Stay connected
- Consider transition/Commute time and go for a walk/music/dance/art/quality time with kids or pet before the next routine
6. What is your mantra of success?
Having no regrets! Every decision I’ve taken in life has always been the best I could take at that point in time considering the situation, people and outcome
Also, living life everyday like it is my best! Noone knows what’s tomorrow. So,
“Do not wait to live life in the future; Live life NOW!”
7. Which is your favourite book and why?
Kiss that Frog! – by Brian Tracy
This book talks about 12 Great Ways to Turn Negatives Into Positives In Your Life And Work.
I’ve experienced many tough situations in life , yet tried my best to turn those negatives into positives by accepting, adapting and getting into action mode as and when required, which helped me to accelerate to where I am today.
We come across many challenges , failures, fears and so many unresourceful states as human beings,. But how we deal with these, how we convert them to resourceful states and use them as stepping stone to make our lives bigger and better is the key!
Shyla Krishnamurthy is a Lifepreneur working on people welfare since her childhood days, a Dynamic Leader who has worked in diverse and multicultural geographies in IT and Telecom with some of the globally renowned organizations (mainly Germany, across EU, US and India). She is passionate towards transforming People into a better and stronger version of themselves. She co-founded her company 'Tvamway Global Services’, with a resolve to turn her passion into reality by enabling People and Business Transformation.
As a Life Coach, Leadership & Executive Coach and Women Empowerment Enabler, she has an innate urge to work with people, especially women to recognize and nurture their Identity, their Authentic self, their Capabilities, Skills and better themselves in every aspect of life and in turn help them gain the Visibility and Credibility they deserve and need, to have a fulfilling life and career.
- Interviewed By Anamika Ajith