Simone Cmoon - In 2015, I Got My First Camera To Capture Images Beautiful Landscapes, And Started Drawing It (Landscape Photographer, Switzerland)


Photography is art, there is not the only right way how to capture an image. You can do a technically correct image when you know how to handle your camera until the borders of capacity. 

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I love photography. So a big part of my time turns around it. I plan and perform landscape photography workshops in cooperation with Nikon School, I implement professional shootings for clients (products and persons), I edit images meticulously to generate high quality. Of course, as a self employee, I am also my secretary, accountant, web designer, etc.

I am an Autodidact. When I have an idea or a vision of something, I try and error, do researches on the Internet, discuss with other photographers until I get the result I am looking for. 

2. How and when did you realize your passion for photography?

In 2015, when I got my first camera to capture images of beautiful landscapes to draw them. But instead of creating more paintings, I ended up as a landscape photographer.

3. What are some tips you would like to share with amateur photographers?

Move and feel! We are used to seeing the world as upright people. Try different angles of different subjects. Look at the landscape from a frogs perspective: Sometimes you can find the most interesting composition when you‘re lying on the ground, stand in the water, sit close to a flower. 

I always listen to my feelings: If I see something and feel a „wow“, I am on the right track. Then I mount my camera on a tripod to optimize the perspective.

4. What are the important skills one should have to be a successful photographer?

As photography is art, there is not the only right way how to capture an image. You can do a technically correct image when you know how to handle your camera until the borders of capacity. You can do a beautiful image when you have an eye for stunning subjects and moments. 

You can optimize every image with good postprocessing. And you can be successful when you can promote yourself to show others the way you see the world through your camera.

5. What are various opportunities available for aspiring photographers?

Good light is essential. I love the soft light around sunrise and sunset. When you capture images outside, use that light mood. Each landscape looks better if you have interesting weather conditions. 

Dream of the favourite image you want to do and then follow every step of planning, learning and try, until you reach your destiny. 

6. Which is your favourite book and why?

'Das Geheimnis von Askir' (The secret of Askir), by Richard Schwartz. This fantasy book series is epic, is humorously written and takes you to other worlds and times.

Simone Cmoon

- Facebook: Simone Cmoon

- Instagram: Simone Cmoon

- Interviewed By Kusum Jha 

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