Gym Workout vs Home Workout - Which One Is the Best for You?

While most people feel that the gym is the best place to work out, the lockdown has made most of them turn to home workouts. In fact, it is a long pending debate among fitness enthusiasts - which one is better? Some find it comfortable to work out at home, while others find gymming the best option. 

Certainly, it is not an easy choice as both have their pros and cons. Here we have listed some benefits of both.

  • ​​ You will never get bored 
A common reason why most people leave exercising within a week of starting home workouts is that they get bored of doing the same thing every day. This won't happen if you go to the gym. They have multiple types of equipment that they can try like treadmill, rowing machine, stationary cycling, weightlifting.
  • It is easy to stay motivated 
If you love socializing, then the gym is the place for you. You will meet different people there and can pick up a friendly competition to get fit. This will keep you motivated and your chances of skipping your workout will be comparatively less.
  •  Professional guidance 
Another major advantage of going to the gym is that you will find professional guidance. Regardless of which fitness YouTube channel you follow, chances are high that you are making some basic workout mistakes. At the gym, qualified professionals are available to guide you and will help you achieve your fitness goal.


  •  It is Cheaper 
Gymming is certainly a little expensive. If you are trying to stay fit, without burning a hole in your pocket then a home workout is the perfect option for you. You do not have to buy expensive machines for that. You can use water bottles instead of dumbbells or turn the stairs into a calorie-burning machine. 
  •  More Privacy and Fewer Germs 
Machines in the gym are touched by several people in a day and are home to different kinds of germs and bacteria. If you do not want to get sick then exercising at home is a much better option. Home workout is also an excellent option for introverts, who like privacy. 
  •  It is Hassle-Free 
To go to the gym, you will have to pack your gym bag, change clothes, drive or walk to reach there. Moreover, you have to plan your day as per the timing of the gym (unless it is a 24-hour gym). But you do not have to do any of these when exercising at home. Whenever you have time, you can exercise - early in the morning or late at night. 

Going to the gym isn’t the only way to get in a great workout. Working out at home can be just as effective. While a gym provides a dedicated space, home workouts offer more flexibility and can be more efficient. It all depends on how you use your time and equipment to maximize your effort. 

Whatever you decide, you should choose what best suits your lifestyle and fitness goals. Pros and cons of working out at home include: 


It’s convenient. You can skip traffic, and you don’t have to leave your house or work out during specific times.
There’s a variety of workout options to choose from. You can use an app, watch a video or live stream classes.

It’s cost-effective. You don’t have to pay gym membership fees, and there’s no need for fancy or expensive equipment to get a great workout.


It’s easy to make excuses at home. If you aren’t self-motivated, you may be tempted to skip your workouts or get distracted and cut them short.

Space might be an issue. You might not have any open areas, such as a den or backyard.

You may not know the correct form for various exercises. There aren’t trainers at home like there may be at the gym. This means you could injure yourself, so it’s best to stick to exercises you are already comfortable with.

What’s an Effective Home Workout?

An effective workout doesn’t have to take a long time or need equipment like heavy-duty weights. Intermittent intervals of working out for 10 minutes at a time, three times a day can be as effective as one 30-minute session.

You don’t need any complicated equipment, either. If you live in a multistory apartment building or home, running or walking up and down the stairs a few times will help increase strength in your legs, not to mention get your heart pumping.

The Important Thing is to Get Started, Here are Some Ideas:

Find sufficient space to do your workouts. This could be a spot in your bedroom, the den, a patio, or even the backyard or front porch. At a minimum, it should have enough space for a yoga mat and for you to stretch your arms in all directions without hitting anything.

Plan your workouts. Set days and times to exercise, and hold yourself accountable with an alarm or reminder on your smartphone. If you struggle with motivation, team up with a family member or friend. Fitness tracking apps or workout apps and videos also can help keep you motivated to exercise.

Remember to warm up and cool down. Walking, cycling, or jumping jacks are great warmups. Light stretching and marching in place are good ways to cool down Mix up your cardio by jumping rope, dancing to your favorite songs, taking a jog or walk outside, or doing aerobics. As long as it gets your heart rate up, it’s a good workout.

Use your body weight. Bodyweight activities, when used correctly, can be as effective as weight-lifting for building muscle. By modifying your workouts and increasing the intensity or duration over time, you’ll make the most of it. Keep in mind:

● Try planks, lunges, squats, stair-climbing, and pushups as great bodyweight exercises.

● Up the ante of your body weight circuits by increasing the number of repetitions per workout.

● Use proper form to prevent injury. Ask a professional to correct your form or watch a tutorial online before diving into new workouts.

Eventually, try to work your way up to 30 minutes of exercise a day, five days a week, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Get Moving Safely

Going to the gym can be when there are fitness instructors to guide you. This doesn’t mean home workouts aren’t safe or effective, as long as you take precautions. Talk to your doctor before starting your home workouts, particularly if you have a medical condition or are recovering from an injury.

Written By - Akshita Sharma

Edited By - Akash Verma

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