How to Stop Overthinking?

How to Stop Overthinking?

It is said that overthinking often creates problems in your head that never existed. 

When someone says overthinking out loud, the human mind tends to take a 360-degree turn and words like anxiety, stress, insomnia etc. come in.

Overthinking can take place anywhere, anytime and any stigma can instigate it. It doesn’t vouch for you, it doesn’t vouch for any occasion.

Numerous people give a piece of advice on how to stop overthinking, but is it really so easy to distract yourself from a thought that has been bothering you to such an extent that it has taken away your interest from almost everything you like? 

Someone advising you to just stop overthinking in one go is basically like asking you to go to sleep when you feel sleepy. Does it make sense? It doesn’t to us as well.

If you search for the definition of overthinking over the internet, it states pondering or dwelling upon one specific thought numerous times repeatedly; well, fair enough. 

It is accurate to some extent but it surely is silent about the behavioural changes associated with it. 

No one speaks about how it damages a human being from within, no one talks about how one starts feeling lonely even in a room full of people and no one acknowledges the elephant in the room even after assuring that they’re there whenever we need them. 

It feels terrible to be in a dark place even though one is trying their potential best to overcome these gloomy thoughts. 

How to actually try to stop overthinking?

If you think you can stop overthinking and ask those thoughts to go away in one go then you are 100% wrong, since it’s practically impossible to do so. It is a tedious process where suffering is a part of healing. 

What one can do is to try out a few methods by implementing trial and error methods and choose the one that benefits you the most. 

  1. Meditation: Meditation has proven to be the most effective one as it connects your soul to the spiritual world to achieve a stable state.

  2. Distracting yourself: Whenever something instigates you, think about something that provides you with peace and takes you into a world full of serenity.

  3. Understanding the triggering point and working upon it: It’s easier said than done but there has to be one specific thing that pushes you into the world no one wants to be in. 

You just have to observe and analyse how you can avoid getting into such a situation.

  1. Think about it in the long run: Whenever you start overthinking, just ask yourself a simple question, will it matter after 5-10 years? Obviously, it won’t. When one door closes, hundreds of other doors carrying new opportunities open up.

  2. Readjusting your life goals: If a goal that you have set for yourself is deteriorating your mental health day by day, do you think it’s worth it? 

You should be thinking about having backup plans as well so that you can minimize your overthinking problems by a drastic percentage. 

  1. Talking it out: Talk to a known person or your friend or even a stranger, just don’t let it pile up and eat you from within.

Will you win this battle against overthinking?

Not even a single thing in this world happens within seconds, minutes or days. Good things take time and what is a better thing than overcoming poor mental health. Overthinking is a problem faced by innumerable human beings. 

Overthinking is surely something that makes you feel terrible about yourself, makes you feel terrible for the choices you make and on top of that makes you feel terrible for the individual you are.

But as every other human in this world says, always try to find the good in the bad and till the time we eradicate this problem completely, which is nearly impossible, let’s try to consider it as a trial and error method of determining your future plans and goals. 

If your predetermined goal is giving you sleepless nights, anxiety and is making you overthink about it, then maybe you have to choose a moment and embark on a journey on which you don’t have to compromise on your mental health. 

Life’s too short to think about what’s right and what’s wrong, just go with whatever makes you happy instead of living with regrets. 

Written By - Mohammad Arbaz Jalees

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