Incredible Books You Shouldn’t Miss Out on Before You Turn 30

In your 20’s you leave your comfort zone and face challenges. Sometimes you achieve your milestones and sometimes you may be facing rejections and feeling dejected.

 It’s the time you decide your future, try to find love and work to have a good career. You feel very confused by people's advice and find yourself questioning yourself and your identity. I will recommend some self-help books that will cheer you up.

1. The Subtle Art of Not Giving Fuck

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The Subtle art of not giving Fuck by Mark Manson is a complete guide to how to live your life. It explains the concept of positivity and how positivity is not the only solution to all the problems. We have to solve problems practically as life is full of shit. Instead of fearing our flaws, we need to embrace them and fight them. The book explains what matters to us. Many people are losers and winners but we have to be curious, honest about what the book mentions. 

2. Psychology of Money

        Photo Credits: Unsplash

The psychology of money by Morgan Housel explains various aspects of money and how to invest it. The book contains 20 chapters, some about stocks and others about how people play games with money. 

The book guides how we should invest our money rather than waste it. Citing examples of the early days of  Bill Gates and about his early days tells about how people perceive being rich. Morgan explains misconceptions about money and wealth and how to invest money rather than running behind. I highly recommend this book.

3. Ikigai

         Photo Credits: IndiaMart

Japanese people believe that IKIGAI means the reason to live. According to the residents of the longest living people in the Japanese village feel it's a key to a longer and happier life. The place where passion, mission, vocation, and profession intersect creates a strong sense of IKIGAI.

There is no word for retire in Japanese Language. They are active and happy and enjoy their life. That's their reason for their purpose of living.This book I recommend because life is more about living happily and enjoying every moment which our generation is lacking.

4. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

      Photo Credits: Nanchi Blog

The power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy was published in 1963. It sold millions of copies upon its publication. It is one of the self-help and spiritual books which I highly recommend to the early ’20s. 

The book explains how to heal yourself, banish your fears, and enjoy your life. It counsels us regarding relationships. Joseph explains how our life events as a result of conscious and subconscious minds and how to change your destiny by thinking practically and principally.

5. Do Epic Shit

    Photo Credits: Scribble Minds

Ankur Warikoo is an entrepreneur and content creator who writes his brutally honest thoughts about his failures and success, his relationships which has made him one of the well-known authors. 

Ankur writes about his journey wanting to become a space engineer and ended up creating content. His book is all about developing good habits, money management, embracing and accepting your failures, and not giving up.

 Upon its publication, it became a huge hit in the Indian market. Ankur suggests giving this book to your family, friends.

6. Ego is Your Enemy

 Photo Credits: Twitter

Ego is your enemy by Ryan Holiday explains how we go out of our comfort zones to learn from the world but we forget to conquer something which is our ego. History explains how ego has destroyed the whole world. To achieve something in our life, we have to let go of our ego. 

Even if we fail we have to learn from it rather than making the issue of your ego. The book explains how to conquer your ego.

6. Atomic Habits

          Photo Credits: Unsplash

Atomic habits by James Clear, one of the New York Times bestsellers tells us about how it is difficult to catch good habits and how they help in getting you success and help you by achieving goals. Bad habits can be repeated again and again but they hamper your growth. Those who become successful have to sacrifice a lot. The books show us how to develop good habits

7. How To Be The Person In The World

    Photo Credits: NPR

How to be a person in the world by Heather Havrilesky talks about modern problems and how to find solutions to them. It shares about how you can overcome your problems, especially relationships, or how to balance your career with your relations. It’s a book every person should read as they face their problems. This book is highly recommended for them. 

Written by - Ananya Birla

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