Indian Culture Vs Western Culture: How Is Indian Culture Better?

Indian Culture Better Than Western Culture: How?

Although every culture is beautiful in its own way, there are some merits as well as demerits of following a particular culture. If we see around us nowadays we can see how western culture has influenced us from our clothing to the food we eat.

Following western culture isn’t wrong but getting so much influenced by it that we don’t even take a minute to think how we are forgetting the beauty of our own Indian culture is critical. So let’s explore the beauty of our culture step by step.  

1. Clothing -

Well nowadays everything and everybody around us would be seen in hoodies or in skinny fit jeans. But let me take you back to the time where Indian handicraft clothes ruled the world.

Before the Britishers exploited the Indian economy and its handicraft market by introducing machine-made cheap clothes, Our Indian handmade clothes were found around the whole globe because of their stonework.

Nevertheless, the craze of our Handicraft clothes was the same as today's western clothes. Even the queens of several countries used to wear Indian handmade clothes only.

2. Food-

If we talk about food, no doubt that whoever would have tasted the Indian food won’t be able to forget its tremendous taste. But we see only the western cultured junk food all around us, that doesn’t mean we are lacking in any way.

The beauty of Indian food is so vast that abroad the most expensive resorts are usually the ones serving Indian food. In our culture, every single state has its famous delicious dish for which that specific state is known.

Not only the dish but the cuisine used in it are not found anywhere else in the world. Kerala is known as the Spiceland of the globe. Not only do the spices increase the taste of a meal but it also has health benefits.

There is so much to say about Indian meals and cuisines and the content is endless. Yet, I shall proceed with the other elements adding to the beauty of our Indian culture.

3. Unity in Diversity

India is a secular country treating more than 10+ religion’s citizens equally by providing them equal rights. When it comes to western culture the most countries are Christian countries and minor religions usually faces discrimination.

Indian religious diversity has influenced the world so much that it's one of the reasons for the increase in our tourism. Not only does the Indian constitution interpret the beauty of our unity in diversity but the harmony in the society by respecting each other's religious beliefs depicts it in a better way.

The unity between our people from different religions have influenced and have shaped Indian culture incredibly.

4. Indian Customs and Tradition

We can see vast differences between the northern and southern parts of India when it comes to our customs, traditions, ritual beliefs, art forms, dressing styles and the way of celebrating the festivals. But these differences add a pearl to the beauty of our culture. 

We can easily distinguish how the dressing styles, the rituals, the traditions, the art forms of most of the western countries are on the same plate whereas in India it changes after a few miles. 

India is so rich in terms of its customs and traditional beliefs that if I'll start explaining the generosity of it a whole book wouldn’t be able to justify its versatility and beauty.

5. Indian Languages

Although most of the Indians prefer to speak Hindi, in India every state has its own language, for instance, Telugu in Andhra Pradesh and Dogri in Kashmir.

There are some of the states which have more than one language and sometimes even more than that.

Most Indians can speak multiple languages effortlessly and fluently. But that’s not the case in Western countries. Most of them speak English or Spanish and even though these languages are spoken in their whole country, they lack the diversity of languages that India possesses.

Although there’s no comparison between both the cultures, both of them are unique on their own but the diversity of Indian culture can’t be found anywhere else in the world. 

Since I have started talking about diversity some other factors contributing to it are our art forms, our festivals and the list goes on.

Written By- Riya Gulia

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