Who Knows the Coca Cola Recipe? Where Is the Coca-Cola Secret Formula Kept?

All great ideas must be kept a secret and this was executed brilliantly by one of the most popular brands since centuries, Coca Cola. Following the footsteps of Shah Jahan, who amputated the hands of the workers who constructed the Taj Mahal, The Coca-Cola Company abides by a similar strategy followed since decades.

Who Invented the Coca-Cola Formula?

In 1886, Dr. John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola and kept the recipe of his drink with himself. At that time, he shared it with a small group of people but did not written it down. Before his death in 1888, he shared the recipe with at least four people.

A lot changed thereafter. In 1891, the Coca-Cola Company was sold to Asa Candler, who also bought the rights to the secret formula. He improvised the recipe, added and subtracted ingredients which no longer made it Pemberton’s ‘real formula’.

Thereafter in 1919, the company was bought by Ernest Woodruff and a few other investors. They took a loan to acquire the company and asked Candler’s son to write the formula of Coca-Cola down on a piece of paper.

This paper was deposited at the lending bank, Guaranty Bank, New York, as a collateral acquisition. In 1925, when the loan was paid back to the bank, the secret recipe was moved to the Trust Company Bank located in Atlanta

Who Knows the Coca-Cola Recipe?

Ever since 1925, only two people were permitted to know the secret Coca-Cola recipe. These two employees would nominate their successors, who after their death would get to know about the secret formula.

Just like the Royal Family in England, these two employees and their two successors are prohibited from travelling together in one airplane or in one vehicle. This is done so as to avoid any unforeseen or unfortunate accidents. The identity of all these employees remains a secret till this day.

Why Is the Coca-Cola Formula a Secret?

When the sales of Coca-Cola were at its peak in the 19th century various conspiracy theories emerged about its secret formula. Some people were of the opinion that the ‘secret formula’ was just a marketing strategy to keep the mystery around the drink alive. A few mentioned that the recipe is kept a secret so as to keep its consumers in the dark about the cheap cost of production.

Many believed so because the ingredients of such a drink are not hard to obtain. The main ingredients like the coca leaf and caffeine were quite obvious to any competitor. This explains why there have been several similar tasting drinks like Coca-Cola.

However, the Coca-Cola Company maintains their stand till this day that their recipe is a secret and is known only to a few anonymous employees who have been loyal and working with the company. In fact, in 2006, Joya Williams, an employee, tried to steal the recipe and hand it to their competitor, Pepsi, but was arrested and charged with fraud.

The Coca-Cola Formula: A Secret Strategy

The marketing strategy for Coca-Cola has been intoxicating to say the least. Since its growth in the 19th century, their main marketing strategy continues to be based around happiness. Their advertising has been witty and different from the other brands.

The slogans, songs and brand awareness have been incredibly high in the past century. The secret and the strategy have mostly contributed to this. The customers have been so loyal to the drink that they are aware and have voiced their grievance to the company when the recipe has been patented.

It is evident that a recipe may not be the same for several generations and there would be new updates to it with the years that follow. While the Coca-Cola Company claims that the secret formula remains to be the same, the customers have raised questions. The Coca-Cola Company answered them in 2011.  

Where Is the Coca-Cola Secret Formula Kept?

On 8 December, 2011, a historic event took place for the Coca-Cola Company. After 86 years in the Trust Company Bank, the secret formula was moved to a vault located at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.

Here the most guarded trade secret of the world is kept on public display. Ever since the recipe has been moved to the vault which is on public display, there have been an increased amount of tourists. This is a smart marketing strategy, which the Coca-Cola Company have successfully implemented.

Today, the Coca-Cola formula remains a secret with just two of its anonymous employees aware about the recipe. This company is the perfect example of a good marketing strategy that not only has the attention of its consumers, but also evokes curiosity throughout the world.


Written by Jerusha Patel

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