‘Time Heals All Wounds’ Is There Any Truth to This?

 does time heal all wounds? | Time heals all wounds, Words, Quotes

All wounds heal with time. is a saying that suggests that grief and sorrow will fade away with time and that emotional suffering will fade away as well. Though the phrase "time heals all wounds" is frequently used, persons who have experienced loss and suffering typically disagree.

The death of a child or a loved one such as a grandmother, aunt or uncle, sibling, parent, or other family member can leave a person melancholy, frustrated, numb, in misery, and without an appetite.

Dealing with the death of a family one can be emotionally draining. Grieving is a difficult process, especially following the death of a child. It may be vital for the bereaved to join a grief support group in order to grieve and learn to cope with their grief and move on. Though it is possible to repair a wounded heart, the scar remains. 

Time, without a doubt, plays an important role in healing, but it isn't the unconditional, magical potion that the cliché implies. No fairy dust elevates our healing forward at the stroke of midnight on each anniversary of a loss or traumatic event. 

Time is a component of the healing stew, it's not the secret ingredient. What time does is create separation between you and the event. The true gift of time is what you do with that distance.

Time is an ally if you choose to do the tedious work of healing. The difficult work of healing is heart-breaking and exhausting, frightening and infuriating. It's also manageable, survivable, and life-giving. There is no recipe for completing that difficult task. There are a million different ways to heal, and the only "right" way is the way that works for you.

“Healing from hurt and loss isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.”

What if you choose not to do the work? What if you try to ignore, deny, or push away your pain? What if you decide not to participate in the marathon of healing? In that case, time will not be in your favour. 

The harsh reality is that you cannot expect to "heal" if you do not do the work on your grief. That's just not how it works. You have the option of not doing the work. You can put it off. But making that choice will keep you in a state of hurt and pain. It confines you in time. 

Techniques for Accelerating Recovery

Instead of relying solely on time to heal your wounds, there are other areas you can concentrate on to promote healing. One can go for any or all of the following methods to attain a deeper sense of healing:

  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • Make new potential friends and partners.
  • Enhance your physical health- start a workout routine or go to the gym or pursue a sport.
  • Gather new experiences by travelling, or meet new people, etc.
  • Practice appreciation for all of the good things in your life and keep a positive outlook.
  • Reflect on yourself and fully process your emotions.
  • Pursue hobbies to help you deal with your emotions (e.g., art or music)
  • Do not bottle up your emotions. Talk to someone or cry and let it all out. 

Stephen King Quote: “Time heals all wounds.”
Stephen King Quote

Try not to criticize yourself if you heal more slowly than you would like. Everyone heals on their own time, so be kind to yourself and be patient during this period.

If you are facing difficulty overcoming an experience, consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or other qualified mental health professional. One can also seek experienced professional guidance for the healing process that provides much deeper healing than time alone.

Written By- Megha Jain

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