Russia vs Ukraine War: Sanctions on Russia


Source: The Sunday Guardian 

For more than 100 days the war between Russia and Ukraine is going on and due to this US and European countries impose heavy sanctions on Russia. Russia is attacking continuously Ukrainian cities like Kharkiv, Mariupol and its capital Kyiv. But Ukraine is also fighting back against Russian attacks.

The war started between the two countries on 20 February 2022 when Russia attacked Ukraine’s Territory and also Russia is giving importance to Ukraine’s area which Russia claimed that it is its territory.

These two areas are Donetsk and Luhansk which Russia had occupied in the war and Russia is making them two separate countries. Russia also warned the US and European countries that if they have entered the war so they have to face dangerous consequences. The US and its allied countries have imposed sanctions on Russia to collapse its economy and its currency ruble.

India abstained from voting against Russia in the UN

After Russia attacks Ukraine, the US and its allies goes to United Nation to take strict actions against Russia. There is voting against Russia on every UN platform to isolate Russia but when voting day comes India abstains from voting in the UN. When the voting day comes on every UN platform India continuously abstains itself from voting which states that India has become neutral in this situation.

The US is pressurizing India to vote against Russia but India refuses its proposal because when India needs Russia to help Russia always helps India and now India turns to help Russia. But sanctions have made it a problem for Russia to revive its economy but Russia has the advantage to recover its economy.

That is crude oil, Russia is the biggest supplier of crude oil to Europe. There is a gas pipeline that joins Europe from Russia. Europe is more dependent on crude oil from Russia because it supplies low price crude oil to Europe. The even US has not sanctioned all things which he imports from Russia. US also purchases crude oil and uranium from Russia. It is because Russia is the biggest supplier of crude oil, wheat, and uranium also which are used in making nuclear weapons.

The Russian currency ruble has also recovered

When western countries imposed sanctions on Russia, the Russian currency ruble also devalued but the price of crude oil is increasing in international market. And when countries purchase crude oil from Russia, the demand of Russia is that those countries who were purchasing crude oil pay in the Russian ruble. Countries are paying Russian payments in Russian currency and the result is that Russian currency is bouncing back and is becoming stable in the international market.

The currency strengthened and reached about 77 rubles to the US dollar. The Russian currency ruble is roaring to pre-war levels even as sanctions are pilling up.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict ignited an economic war as well. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the US and NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) impose nearly 4000 sanctions against Russia.

They also blocked Russia from international transactions with big banks blacklisting 300 Russian companies along with 500 institutions and more than 3000 individuals so far.

Indian students faced many problems to leave Ukraine

When the war started in Ukraine, the people of Ukraine is leaving their country, and as well as other people from different country are also left the country. The Indian students are also evacuating from Ukraine by the Indian government. There is an estimate that over 18000 Indians are in Ukraine.

Maximum people are evacuating but still, students are in Ukraine. They are mainly trapped in Mariupol and Kharkiv. They have a shortage of basic needs like food and water and they also have to live underground in bankers. The parents of those students who were in Ukraine are also worried because it is a war region and is very dangerous to stay in these regions.

They are also requesting the Government that they have to evacuate students from Ukraine very fast.

Many students are releasing their videos to show how they have lived-in underground bankers. And finally, Government has evacuated students from these cities, first they take them to buses and go to the airport and finally they board a flight and they return to India.

Written By- Saurav Sharma

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