10 Inspirational Books That Are a Must-Read


Source: The Hindu

You'll have to do things differently if you want to transform your life. You can turn to inspirational books to help you make a positive change in your life. Inspirational novels instill hope and optimism in your life.They help you gain confidence and build a good mindset.Reading books will assist you in realizing your power.
Many successful authors have created books that will inspire and motivate you to change your life. They've written several books,including:

1. Awaken The Giant Within, by Anthony Robbins

The book's inspirational message is that you have the power to manage your thoughts,feelings, and actions right now.You already have the power to achieve everything you want or desire in your life.

Source: Amazon

2. Screw It Let's Do It: Lessons in Life, by Richard Branson

Reading about other people's life journeys can help you gain a better understanding of what a change journey entails.Richard Branson is a believer in reinventing himself and, as a result,he welcomes change.This book will stoke your desire to try new things.It will teach you how to identify the self-limiting ideas that prevent you from rising to the challenge of change.

Source:Good Reads

3. The Art of Happiness, by Dalai Lama

There isn't a single person who isn't trying to find happiness.
"The Art of Happiness" is a book that encourages you to practice self-reflection as a discipline.The more you think about your life, the more you learn about yourself (your soul).This is where you will figure out what happiness means to you.It gives you purpose to know what happiness means to you.You'll have clarity, focus, and a vision if you have a mission.These are the foundations that will allow you to take the first steps toward changing your life.


4. The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

"The Four Agreements."Is Don Miguel's life rule.This book offers an inspirational rule for life, including how you handle your relationships,behave,and communicate with others.Read "The Four Agreements" if you want to alter your life. This book will teach you how to live a happy, successful life.

                                                          Source : Amazon

5.The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J Schwartz

Change your thinking and attitude,according to Dr. Schwartz,if you want to make a difference in your life and achieve whatever you want.The fundamental idea of this book is the need of preparing your mind and thinking for the road of personal development.

Source - Amazon

6. Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How To Create A New You, by Deepak Chopra

Personal transformation, according to Deepak Chopra, entails not just the mind, but also the body and the soul. Chopra claims that you can't change your mind without also changing your body and spirit.This book will inspire you to consider the potential energy force and strength that you possess. When your mind, body, and soul are connected and aligned, this energy grows.

Source: Flipkart

7. The Greatest Salesman In The World, by Og Mandino

This book doesn't truly teach you how to sell effectively.It will,however, provide you with some wonderful advice on how to be a successful entrepreneur,self-motivated,and think like one.The underlying message is the importance of positive thinking that what you think, say, and do become who you are.This book has excellent strategies for those of us who are in the midst of a transformation.

8. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, by Richard Carlson

This book teaches you how to deal with the little things that cause the most anguish in your life. This encouraging book is jam-packed with helpful tips on how to live a more cheerful and tranquil existence.

Source : Good Reads

9. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip & Dan Heath

You know you need to make changes in your life, but you're not sure how to go about it?If you nod your head in agreement, you should read "Switch." "Switch" is the one book that I would recommend to anyone who wants to learn how to make and keep meaningful changes in their lives.Chip and Dan reveal the Secret to bringing about and maintaining change in your life in this book.It has to do with learning how to "Direct The Rider," "Motivate The Elephant," and "Shape the Path," among other things.Without a doubt, this book will show you how to alter your life.

Source:Good Reads

10. The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough, smart enough, or brave enough to live a happy, fulfilled life.Or are you too afraid to pursue your aspirations because you're afraid of failing?"The Gifts of Imperfection,"by Brene Brown,will teach you how to recover your courage as well as your self-belief and self-worth.This is the book that will get you ready to start your transformational adventure."The Gifts of Imperfection" is about learning to embrace who you are rather than who you believe you should be.

Source : Good Reads

OK, I've given you ten incredibly inspiring books,each of which has the potential to change your life.I hope that through reading these books,you will be inspired and motivated to face your life's obstacles.

Now it's your turn.

Written By:Anshika Bansal

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