8 Food Habits You Should Follow During Monsoon

Monsoon in India is synonymous with hot tea and oily fried food. There are certain food cravings that arise in Indians only during the rainy season. We feel the urge to eat random things during this season. 

But doesn't it affect our health? Of course it does. In fact, monsoon is the season during which microbial growth is at its peak. Diseases are more likely to happen. Diseases like viral fever, typhoid, dengue and malaria become extra common. 

And hence, the monsoon asks for extra safety. So rather than eating anything and everything, we should be extra careful with our food habits during the monsoon season. 

Food Habits to Follow During Monsoon
Monsoon is a season we all love to enjoy. Weather becomes cool. Nature appears extra beautiful. But how would you enjoy the weather if you don't take care of your health? 

So, here I am mentioning a few food habits you should maintain to stay healthy and disease-free during the monsoon. 

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is required by our body during every season in order to regulate the temperature of our body. To maintain good health, drink as much water as you can. But during monsoon, we should be careful with the quality of water we consume. 

Drinking clean and safe water is important, hence you should boil water before drinking. The risk of water contamination is high during monsoon, that's why boiled water is a better option than unboiled water. 

2. Include Fruits and Green Vegetables in Your Diet

As said above, we are more prone to fall sick as the growth of microorganisms is more in the monsoon season. Hence it is important to build immunity against the diseases so that our body can be capable enough to fight any disease. 

Fruits and Vegetables are the best sources of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Vitamin and mineral fall under the category of protective food as they help us to build immunity against diseases. 

Also you should remember to wash fruits and vegetables with water before you eat them. In fact you can wash them lukewarm water as well to assure the safety of fruits or vegetables. 

3. Always Have the Fresh Food Only

Food items when left for a long time activates the growth of microorganisms on it, hence consuming that food may cause several diseases. 

Various seasonal fruits and vegetables are freshly available during this season. Hence, instead of consuming packed food, always go for the fresh home-made food. Even if you want to have juice or soups, try to avoid the packed one, rather prepare the fresh at home.

4. Say No to Junk Food

Having food outside your home should never be your option. Whether it be the fancy expensive restaurant food or the street food, avoid any kind of junk food as there is no surity of food being prepared from fresh fruits and vegetables. 

5. Avoid Eating Fried Food

As Indians, we have a habit of having an urge to eat chai, pakora or samosa as soon as we see a drop of rain touching the ground. But this is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. 

In fact, to take extra care of our health, we should avoid such food items during the monsoon season. Extra oil can be the reason for several diseases in the human body. 

6. Include Food Items Which Have Probiotics

Probiotics are found in curd, buttermilk and pickled vegetables. Including probiotics can initiate the growth of good bacteria in your gut hence, protect you against the bad bacteria or the disease-causing bacteria. 

7. Say No to Seafood

If you are a seafood lover, just for the monsoon season, say no to fish or any other seafood. As there are major chances of water being contaminated during this season, sea food can be unhealthy for you. 

8. Ginger and Garlic Must be There in Your Diet

Ginger can be very helpful in fighting diseases like fever, chills, congestion etc. Ginger is also an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Hence ginger is one of the best things you can add to your diet during monsoon. Ginger if added to tea also cures throat pain. 

Garlic has antimicrobial properties, also it is an immune stimulant. So, garlic should also be in your diet. 

Following these basic habits can ensure better health during the monsoon season. So instead of carelessly enjoying the season and then getting sick, be careful and enjoy the season without getting any disease. 

Written By: Nidhi Jha

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