Different Types of Communication

Communication is undeniably one of the essential skills that one can have. It's a skill that we learn through experience and lots of practice. To put it simply, communication is transferring information from one place, person, or group to another. Every communication that takes place involves (at least one) sender, message, and recipient.

Communication is more complex than that though, every message is affected by a huge range of things like our emotions, the medium of communication, the situation, the location, and many more. Good communication skill is a skill that adds a lot of value and weightage to a candidate seeking jobs. 

There are five types of communication that we will understand in this article. So let's dive into it

  1. Verbal communication - includes all the communication that involves, using spoken words or unspoken words as in the case of sign language. It is very important to know how to articulate one’s thoughts and effectively communicate the ideas verbally to avoid misunderstanding and maximize interest while you speak. Using the right language, speaking, knowing your audience, responding in the best way, and using an appropriate tone while speaking becomes critical.

  2. Non-verbal communication - non-verbal communication is the unheard part of communication but has a huge impact and is very important to learn to make an impression. The tone of speaking, facial expressions, body language, eye contact, and hand movements are all a part of non-verbal communication. When you are finally aware of your body's actions during speaking, you can make corrections and eventually use all these nonverbal cues to perfect your verbal communication.

  3. Written communication - this type of communication is a form of verbal communication but is different from spoken verbal communication in such a way that it gets its distinct type. Written communication encompasses anything that we write or types such as letters, emails, notes, texts, billboards, etc. in written communication it is important to know the audience, and the purpose of communication and maintains consistency throughout the written message.

  4. Visual communication - is a type of communication that complements the other types of communication as well. Visual communication means delivering information, messages, and points by way of graphical representations or visual aids. for example slide presentations, physical models, drawings and illustrations,s, etc. when we use visual communication in addition to verbal communication, non-verbal communication, and written communication we create an effective way for the message to be heard and understood.

  5. Listening - listening is such a crucial part of communication that I cannot help but put a lot of emphasis on this. To be a great communicator, it is first important to be a very good listener. Listening is an art and it's very important to master that. Listening does not just mean mere listening or politely waiting for your turn to speak. One should practice being an active listener which means that you are engaging your mind while the other person speaks and focusing intently on what they are saying.

Formal communication vs Informal communication

Types of communication can also be broken down into formal communication and informal communication. There are times when one is preferred and should be used over the other such as when delivering a speech it should be formal or making lunch plans with your friends should be informal.

Informal communication where conversation partners are part of a group, organization, or society there is again three types of communication.

  • Vertical - in this type of communication, information flows freely up and down the organizational structure. For example, when your head at the office talks to you, you talk to your boss, or when you speak to your juniors at the office.
  • Horizontal - this is where the information or communication flows across a structure for example communication between co-workers.
  • Diagonal - in diagonal formal communication, all levels communicate with one another in any direction.

Emotional awareness in communication 

A very important aspect of communication is emotional awareness, it is the ability to understand the other person’s feelings as well as be aware of our own and take note of how that feeling may affect or is affecting the current situation. In order to be effective in communication, it is imperative to have high emotional awareness.


It is necessary to learn and understand all types of communication to learn to use it and practice to become a great communicator. For all the types mentioned above communication that I have explained, it is imperative to learn them in order to effectively communicate. So keep practising, keep communicating!!!

Written by - Aayushi Kumari Singh

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