How Global Warming Is The Biggest Threat to the World


Global Warming has become the biggest problem in today’s world. People, as well as animals, have also faced the problem of Global Warming. The effects of this issue are going on in the world like in the mountains or arctic region glaciers have been melting.

In the summer season, there is a lot of sun, in winters there is a lot of cold, and in the rainy season the rain and wind are going heavily that it also destroys the trees. 

Global Warming is a big challenge to both developed and developing countries. There are many reasons which cause the problem of global warming in the past years. One of the biggest reasons for global warming is changing technology and the lifestyle of people.

Industrialization is also the main reason for global warming

When the Industrial Revolution started in Europe in the 18th century, the problem of global warming has been created in that Era. After the Industrial revolution's success in Europe, it occurs in many countries and continents.

And in today’s world there are unlimited Industries have growing in the world and it is the big reason of global warming.

It is because in an Industry, many chemical elements have been used for making the products that we used in our daily life but it is harmful to nature. Plastic is also responsible for global warming because when it burns, there is a lot of pollution in the atmosphere.

When pollution occurs, the people have to face the problems not only in India but in other countries also face the problem of pollution which can harm their bodies and reduce their age limit.

There is a study in India that more than 1 million people have lost their lives because of pollution. The capital Delhi is the major epicenter of pollution all over the world. Pollution is one of the biggest problems in India.

The harmful gases which are gone outside the Industry are also the cause of global warming. These all elements can cause the effects of global warming and because of that, the number of carbon dioxide has been increasing in nature.

The use of vehicles even for a very short distance results in various gaseous emissions. It is because vehicles burn fossil fuels which emit a large amount of carbon dioxide and other toxins into the atmosphere resulting in a temperature increase.

People have made the causes of Global Warming

In some ways, people are responsible for the causes of Global Warming. People had cut the trees in the name of development and for their own benefit so that they can their Factory or Industry.

Chlorofluorocarbon has been increasing in nature. With the excessive use of air conditioners and refrigerators, humans have been adding CFCs into the environment which affects the atmospheric ozone layer.

The ozone layer protects the Earth's surface from the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. The CFC had led to ozone layer depletion making way for the ultraviolet rays, thereby increasing the temperature of the earth.

Solutions to solve the problem of Global Warming

The solutions which help to stop the problem of Global Warming are less use of industrial products and use those products which do not cause harm to nature. Like people use plastic bags for shopping, instead of that, they used cloth bags which does not harm nature.

People are using vehicles for short distances, instead of that they can do walk to their distance and also they use public transport and now the electric public buses and rickshaws were also there which do not emit carbon dioxide gas. People have to do less dependency on that materials which are dangerous for the nature as well as the human body.

In the covid when there is a lockdown all over the world including India the atmosphere in the air is very good to breathe and the nature is looking very clean. The mountains are clear visible in the area of 150 kms.

The world temperature has drop of 1-2 degree because of the covid and lockdown. All Governments have to take some action to solve the problem of Global Warming because it is a global issue.

Written By- Saurav Sharma

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