How Lakme Got its Name From Lakshmi

Picture credit: theeconomictimes

Makeup and cosmetic products are no more a thing of luxury, it has evolved to be a basic need of many people across the world. There was a time when Indian women didn’t use to spend money on makeup but now everyone has to spend some part of their earnings on these products.

When it comes to makeup and other beauty products no one wants to compromise the quality. Of course, because they are supposed to be used directly on the skin. Hence a number of brands are there in India which sell high-quality products but out of them, only a few are trusted by the people.

Lakme- One of the very popular brands selling makeup and cosmetic products ranging from low to very high cost in various countries across the globe. Well, if we talk about the history of Lakme, it may surprise you with some of the facts you might be unaware of.

Lakme- The First Product of Make-in-India

“Make in India” might be an initiative by prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, but the idea was by the first prime minister of India, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. When India became independent in 1947, along with so many other problems felt by Nehruji, one was the problem faced by women.

Women were offered foreign exchanges to western countries in exchange for cosmetic products. Nehruji felt that if it would continue, we will never become independent and hence, he thought of having an Indian brand selling essential beauty products required by women.

The idea was then discussed with JRD Tata who was one of the prominent industrialists of that time. Tata being a very intelligent businessman understood the concept, and agreed with Nehruji and then in 1952, Lakme was started as a subsidiary of tata oil mills. 

What was the Inspiration Behind the Name of the Brand?

The Lakme was the brand primarily for Indian women and the purpose was that women should not compromise on their beauty needs because of the end of colonial rule. Hence the brand was considered to be a symbol of beauty.

So, from the name of Goddess Lakshmi, one of the most beautiful women mythologically, Lakme derived its name.

Picture credit: newsdayexpress

How Lakme Became a Beauty Symbol?

Started in 1952, Lakme was owned by JRD Tata, the owner of tata oil mills. It was accepted by Indian women in place of western products because of its good quality, availability, and accessibility for all skin types.

Indians wholeheartedly welcomed the Lakme and made it part of their everyday needs.

In 1961, the brand got its first and massive makeover when Simone Tata, wife of JRD Tata, became the managing director. She altered the prices of products and the position of the brand and soon, Lakme became the household name in India. In 1982, She became the Chairperson of the company. 

The major focus was given to marketing. A lot of money was spent on its advertising in newspapers and magazines. For digital advertising, they chose one of the very popular models of that time, Shyamoli Verma, earlier called heartthrob got a new name ”the Lakme Girl”. She became the first-ever face of Lakme.

Later, many popular actresses like Rekha, Aishwarya and Kareena became the face of Lakme.

In the 1990s, Lakme had grown to be a name known by almost everyone. It established itself as one of the most popular and trusted cosmetic brands.

From Tata to Hindustan Unilever

In 1996, Lakme was already of fully established, still developing, popular and trusted brand. Every business group must be interested in owning a part of it. But, Hindustan Unilever was the one which got into the 50:50 merger with Lakme.

Hindustan Unilever was also one of the popular companies which had vast experience in the global Fast-Moving Consumer Goods world. Soon after, Lakme sold its 50 per cent share to Hindustan Unilever as well. And It made Hindustan Unilever the only and sole owner of the company.

Lakme in the Global Market

After Lakme came under Hindustan Unilever, it started gaining popularity outside India as well. Currently, it is being sold in various price ranges in almost 70 countries around the world. In 2014, Lakme was ranked 36th in the list of the most trusted brands in India. 

End Note

Lakme started to fulfil the needs of women of the country and was later accepted by all the people of the country and became a very popular brand across the world. It shows how huge things start with a small idea.

Written By: Nidhi Jha

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