5-Hour Rule: The Secret to Success

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It is correctly said that “Knowledge is of no value until you put it into practice” 

Knowledge is a subjective part of our life, as it depends on us, and how we want to acquire it. What we read, and what we learn is nothing until we put it into practice.

But it is also said that “Knowledge is nothing without skill”. 

For us acquiring a skill is also of great concern. While following our lifestyle, we often take breaks or get breaks. The main point is how we utilize those breaks to learn more things apart from the ones we are already working with.

What Do We Usually Do?

We try to rest as much as possible, or we might watch some good web series, talk with friends, scroll Instagram rigorously, or watch and share reels, if these are the things that we do on daily basis, then we need to STOP and ask ourselves,

Are these activities really developing your mindset, Are these activities building up your personality? Are these activities making us the best version of ourselves?

Yes, they might do, in some cases but we always waste our time doing these things which makes us feel lethargic. So, ultimately the Answer to all the questions is NO.

If this is the case, then let’s think about what we have on our plate, that makes us feel active and going, that also builds our confidence and personality and has a positive impact on our lifestyle besides scrolling Instagram and sharing reels does not have.

When we talk about millionaires or businessmen, they surely do not have time for anything but still, they have the time to acquire a skill and take out some time for themselves as they love doing so and it also builds their confidence level and it expands their horizon.

Let’s talk about the favourite rule of these personalities, the 5-hour rule which they follow.

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What Is the 5-Hour Rule and Who Invented It?

The 5-hour rule, clearly signifies by its words, to devote at least an hour every day or 5 hours in a work week to yourself in exploring new things, learning them and practising them. This was developed by Michael Simmons, who is a journalist and entrepreneur by profession.

Even if you grow older and older, you still have to learn something new and be consistent with it, as learning has no age bar. We learn from the smallest of the small things and that changes our vision of the way we live life.

However, there are 3 proponents of the 5-hour rule


Reading is an art in itself, comprehending the words of the author and visualizing them and then bringing them to reality. Reading is a practice that has become a trendy habit nowadays. From business leaders to the common man, everyone has developed a passion for reading and with this, they evolve themselves into a different world.

Not only does it enhance their vocabulary, they learn about new things, new cultures, new people and imagination power. Inculcating this habit into your daily life might create wonders in the long run.

2. Reflecting

Reflecting is the image of something, the image is a secondary thing that we develop of something. Reflecting is taking a pause for what you have learnt from the prior thing be it dance, reading, or singing. It is just about taking a taste of it and feeling it from the bottom of the heart.

How is it bringing change to your life? This is the important question you should ask yourself after you finish something, basically, the ideas.

3. Experimenting

The 3rd proponent is the experiment that we perform after learning a new thing, it is basically bringing the ideas into action and making the most out of it. 

This also means making a model of something and then testing it with the targeted audience or clients and then noting its value and recognition along with the negative points. Thus, making a safe space for a particular thing to work in a market in the long run.

How Does the 5-Hour Rule Improve Us?

After performing the 3 proponents we get to know, where we stand and what do we need to do, for self-improvement. How much more do we need to learn? What are the skills we are interested in? All these things might come into our mind once we follow these 3 proponents.

We become clear and straightforward once we appear to learn something and with working it becomes even more clear. Just keep in mind that working on yourself and working for someone else are two different things that should not be mixed. When you are on the path of exploring and learning new things, you should only think of things related to it rather than relating them to your work. This is the benefit of the 5-hour rule. 

Written by: Khushbu Arora
Edited By: Nidhi Jha

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