Brianna Carson - I Am Being Guided on the Path That’s Best for Me in The Perfect Time (Health Counselor From Boston, Massachusetts, US)

Brianna Carson

Two mentors inspired my career path, namely, my mother and Suede Larson (i.e., guru, yoga, and music teacher). I initially earned my Yoga teacher trainer certification because I led some of my guru’s classes growing up. A lifelong equestrian and yoga beneficiary, I have dreamt of operating my own organization that offers dance, equine, recreational, and Ayurvedic therapy services (e.g., clinic, hospital, treatment center). 

1. Tell more of your background and journey? 

I attended eight public and private (e.g., Christian, LDS) high schools (e.g., CA, UT, CT) and learned the importance of both cultural diversity and radical acceptance. For example, I discovered my passion for yoga, modern dance, and the LGBTQ community, during my Utah excursion. 

2. Why did you decide to become a yoga teacher and health counselor? 

Two mentors inspired my career path, namely, my mother and Suede Larson (i.e., guru, yoga, and music teacher). I initially earned my Yoga teacher trainer certification because I led some of my guru’s classes growing up. A lifelong equestrian and yoga beneficiary, I have dreamt of operating my own organization that offers dance, equine, recreational, and Ayurvedic therapy services (e.g., clinic, hospital, treatment center). 

3. What is your fitness mantra? 

“I am being guided on the path that’s best for me in the  perfect  time.” Any strong “I am” statements “ahamkara.” 

4. How can one build a successful career in your field? 

Self-study, care, love, discipline, control, etc. 

5. What different exercises should one do daily? 

Morning routine: tongue-scraping, a glass of water, enjoyable exercise (e.g., forest stroll, abhyanga, yoga asana sadhana), shower/bath, sunlight before 10 AM, healthy breakfast, focused work-day, healthy lunch, peaceful evening (e.g., meditation, abhyanga), light dinner. 

6. Is it fine to take a gap in between our daily exercise routine? 

Yes, high interval training works best (e.g., walk, run, sprint, run, walk). 

7. Is it fine for girls to follow a daily exercise routine during periods? If not then what type of exercises are preferable these days? 

Little or no exercise works best, allowing her body rest, although supplementary exercises (e.g., legs-up-the-wall) will be helpful. Personally, rest (i.e., no abhyanga) and restorative practices (e.g., meditation or fenugreek, ajwain, cumin tea) have improved menstruation cycles. 

8. Is gym membership important for girls? 

Sure, if a girl enjoys the gym and desires the community - moderation remains key; it can be easier (i.e., less vigorous) for some more than others, although no specific need exists! A gym that offers more opportunities than treadmills or weights (e.g., dance, yoga, pilates, martial arts classes) seems best. 

9. What does it take to become an acupressurist? 

Real-life or online certification, state-discretion state discretion for touch (ie.e., hands-on bodywork). 

10. What would you recommend as an acupressurist for knee pain, the most common complaint among people as they age? 

As an ayurvedic health counselor, I would recommend dasha, chalana (i.e., 10 churnings), janu sandhi (i.e., knee joint) basi(s), and marmani chikitsa (e.g., daily abhyanga, self-massage, acupressure). Namely, mahanarayana thailam (i.e., medicated oil). 

11. What would you recommend for period discomfort as an acupressurist? 

Tailored diet and lifestyle (e.g., for each symptom and stage of menstruation), warm castor oil pack, teas (e.g., ajwain, fenugreek, cumin, or CCF tea), rest.


Brianna Carson, a Kripalu School of Ayurveda certified health counselor and the University of Utah certified yoga teacher trainer, owns Illuminate Our Paths Ayurveda. She markets Ayurvedic social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Snapchat: InhaleBriiEx, Instagram: @illuminate_our_hearts) as a marketing specialist. As a primary care locum tenens expert, she strived for a broadened conventional healthcare industry that recognizes the traditional Ayurvedic workforce. Recreationally, she enjoys volunteer leader work for Greenlock Equine Therapy and modern and hula-hoop dance.


Interviewed By - Sugandha Dhanawade

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