Google's New Programming Language Carbon - Will It Replace C++?

Carbon - The Successor Of C++ : 

Source - Wikipedia

Google is now set to launch a new programming language called Carbon. Recently in a CPP event, Google launched a new programming language Carbon and it’s a successor of C ++. Basically as you already know that you have C++ as the successor of the C language and similarly we have Typescript which is the successor of JavaScript language and Swift is the successor of objective-C, Kotlin is the successor of Java language, but there is no such any successor for C++ although there is a programming language called Rust which is still in the development phase and not so used.

So Google introduced Carbon and it's a successor of the C++ language which is very fast and it can work with web development and then Back End development as well. So if you see you have C++ although it is a very dominant programming language for performance-critical software it's extremely difficult right both technical and challenging things. So, to avoid these all things now Google is set to launch a new programming language called Carbon, so it will be similar to performance matching C++ seamless bidirectional interoperability with C++ gentle learning curve. 

We have lots of new things available here so the language goal sets performance software language evaluation code that is easy to reach, easy to understand, and easy to write practically safety and testing mechanisms and it can work with all the modern operating systems, hardware environment and there are so many new things coming up with Carbon.

Does Carbon Replace C++?

Source- TechnoPixel

This is great news for the programmers that Google has created a brand-new programming language, this is a C++ replacement called Carbon. It is meant to be a C++ successor this is supposed to replace it ultimately but it is supposed to ease the pain as much as possible in that migration so this is very early on as you can see they do have a Wikipedia page that 100% means that it’s legit and they have their own logo now, the logo sucks but imagine in time until evolve. 

So, this is a 0.1 experiments release, you are not going to be using this in prime time but if you do want to check it out it is being developed entirely open source so it’s all up to get up the language spec on GitHub. It is being very actively worked on. The main people behind this are Google engineers but there are some other people from different countries and companies. 

Is Google Trying To Kill C++?

Source - Style Tricks

Probably, there will be all contact questions about why they are creating a new programming language. Why do we need C++ replacement on earth? so I guess assessor in the first place and why not something else like rust? They cover all those things, now you may not agree with their descriptions but they do cover them. So first of all, it’s fast and it works for C++. The number one thing is bidirectional C++ like that I would almost argue that is the only thing that really matters about this compared to the other languages. 

If you look at some of the most successful programming languages for adoption in the last couple of years you got things like the types of programming language, you’ve got swift and then you have Kotlin, and each one of those interns, so swiftly made it easier to work with objective-C choose and horrible language Typescript made JavaScript easier to work with and Scotland made Java easier to work with all of them are basically like bidirectional, compatible with the OR supersets of their underlying language.

They will take a similar approach with Carbon, so performance matching C++ using LLVM with overall access to the bits and addresses is one of those manual memory management languages. It is safer but it is not safety-focused like what you would see from a language like rust but the big thing is it will interrupt interoperate with your existing C++ code from inheritance to template fast and scalable bills at work with your existing SQL build system. 

So language foundations are easy to learn, especially if you see the best upgrade between carbon versions, safer fundamentals, and an incremental path toward a memory-safe subset, which means nothing right now. So, this is not a memory-managed language, and do not think it’s a memory-managed language. It also doesn’t have anything like the checkout kind of systems that some other languages like Go or Rust use.

Why Does Carbon Build So Well? 

It is the successor language rather than attempting to incrementally evolve people. Basically, they think C++ has issues and are trying to build a better C++ out of C++. It’s just you are getting all that technical debt so their idea behind it seems to be let’s make a new language with C++ level of performance. So that you can buy, directly interrupt with C++, what that actually means is you can call C++ code from Carbon and you can call Carbon code from C++ which means it will be easier to bring in your existing libraries and migrate all of your existing code at the same time. 

You are going to have a gentle learning curve so it's going to have reasonable similarities to C++ but not as much of the craft that is the entire idea behind and you can see some of the most popular languages have kind of taken this approach as of late so their ultimate goal here it’s going to be performed for performance critical software language evolution code, that it’s easy to read understand and write practical safety and testing mechanisms, fast scalable development, modern open source platforms and hardware architectures in the environment. 

It interrupts with and migration from existing C++ code again this is the number one reason why you would pick this language and now you’ve got other languages there they have nice interrupt generally with C and you can make them work with C++, it is always a bit of a pain here this is aiming to make that as simple as possible you will go through here.

Written by - Madhumitha

Edited by - Kritika Sharma

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